25 Things You Might Not Know About Me

Well, I was “tagged” by a friend to make a list of 25 items — habits, goals, things that have happened to me etc. that people might not necessarily know about me. So I wrote it up, and this is what I came up with:

  1. I like good fruitcake — stop laughing — meaning not dry, not moldy, not crumbly. Costco has an excellent fruitcake and there are several fruitcake haters that I know that have turned and joined the fruitcake fan club after eating it.
  2. I’ve blown two sets of car speakers.
  3. I haven’t had a ticket since I was 17 and was threatened by the government that they could take my license away, even though they didn’t.
  4. I have eaten Balut, and while not my favorite, it was not as horrible as I thought it would be. As long as I didn’t think about beaks and feathers, it mostly tasted like a boiled egg.
  5. I love chamomile tea, any time of day or night, mostly without any sugar or honey, just by itself.
  6. I have a strain of the melancholic that is actually comforting to me.
  7. All of the women in my family through at least four generations have loved and had roses in their gardens and on their tables.
  8. My favorite art class was Anatomy because we got to use a huge brick of clay to sculpt the human form. I loved getting my hands jammed up in all that clay. Oddly it made me feel vibrant and alive.
  9. My siblings think I’m a bossy monster older sister, but they don’t understand that really, I love them like crazy and just want them to be happy and avoid the idiotic mistakes and pits of stupidity that I’ve made and fallen into.
  10. I love Project Management and am a total geek about it.
  11. Atlas Shrugged is one of my all-time hand’s-down favorite books ever, and extremely applicable to the world today.
  12. I’ve had my heart broken — truly, not just sad or really sad gonna-cry-a-little, but fling-yourself-down-on-the-bed-sobbing the-world-has-ended-and-I-will-never-recover, crushed hear — twice.
  13. I LOVE Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey, which may be part of the reason I am a Chunky Monkey, LOL.
  14. My first car was a 1976 VW Bug, Racing Green, which means Dark Green. AND I had to learn to drive a stick to use it and gasoline was $0.82 a gallon, so $3 of change in the ash tray would actually get you somewhere.
  15. I’ve been in a mosh pit on several ocassions and liked it, but it always got a little rough so eventually I had to get out — I’m such a girl.
  16. I love to canoe.
  17. I can play the piano and the harp and would like to learn the guitar.
  18. I LOVE to sing, but would like to sing better. Someday I will take singing lessons.
  19. In the summer between 6th and 7th grade I bought my first 10-speed bicycle with my own money. It was promptly stolen out from under me 1 week later. I ended up a bruised and sad 12 year-old in the bushes wondering “What the crap just happened???” and “Why would that smiling boy do that?”
  20. I met Duff from Guns-n-Roses at the Whiskey-a-Go-Go in Los Angeles with two chicks on his lap, drunk as a skunk and saw Fishbone recite poetry and open up for the Beastie Boys.
  21. I really wish that I could have seen The Clash, Oingo Boingo, The Grateful Dead, The Rolling Stones and The Police at the peak of each of their careers. If I could time travel for the sake of music, I would see all of them.
  22. I love easily.
  23. I wish I could save all the children of the world and somehow find happy homes for all the orphans. I am realistic about people and their habits and passions but I still have genuine hope in human beings and the capacity that they hold within them.
  24. I was actively recruited by the Navy to be an Underwater Demolitions Operator.
  25. I’ve saved 3 people from drowning and almost died twice, both from drowning, even though I’m an excellent swimmer — 5 separate events.

Originally posted on Tracy’s Blog Friday, January 9, 2009

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