3 Great Things About Classic and Fun Pixie Organizational Types (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP)

There are lots of things that make you special. Some of these you share with other people that are like you (your organizational type). Some are more individual to you. This, dear Pixies, who are Classics and Funs, is all about self affirmation because you deserve to be celebrated, whether in the workplace or with friends and family.


One of your best qualities is your loyalty. You are loyal to friends and organizations. You can be counted on by those who trust you.

Classics are the glue that holds everything together! Hard working and focused, you make up almost 50% of the population. As a big group, you share some pretty amazing traits. One of your best qualities is your loyalty. You are loyal to friends and organizations. You can be counted on by those who trust you.

You also have a natural tendency to finish what you start. This makes you supremely reliable and a huge asset as an employee or volunteer. Believe it or not, this is actually a very rare trait, that most of the population struggles with.

Furthermore, you are naturally organized. This means that while you probably love Pixies Did It because we have all sorts of little life hacks that you can adopt, you need our help less than almost everyone else does.

Classic Structures (ESTJ, ISTJ)

If you are in this category then you know what it means to take charge and get things done, regardless of who or what stands in the way. This also means that you are fantastically put together and your office, house, and car are always neat and clean. You run like clockwork. You can absolutely be counted on to show up with everything perfectly executed. Chances are that if a project needs to be done you are getting the call. For this reason, your friends rely on you when something needs to be done and be done right – like packing and moving. This is because you are:

  • Fair
  • Decisive, and
  • You Run a Tight Ship

Classic Freedoms (ESFJ, ISFJ)

You care a lot about people and you know how to get things done really well. This makes you a great teacher, nurse, or a beloved manager or coach.

You care a lot about people and you know how to get things done really well. This makes you a great teacher, nurse, or a beloved manager or coach. You are the person that is needed in the event of a crisis or big change to help people feel better through that change. While you know what needs to happen to accomplish the job, you can move forward with consideration for those involved. However, you are loaded with natural empathy for the people impacted and see things from their point of view. So if a school is shutting down and parents need to hear the news, or a company is moving out of town, you are the best person to have that conversation with those whose lives are being impacted. You will be called because you have the best chance of making these folks feel as good as they can about it. This is also why you are one of your friends’ favorite travelling companions. You are:


  • Nurturing
  • Efficient
  • Thoughtful


You still get things done even when the situation takes an unexpected turn. If you are on a road trip and get a flat tire or become lost, it’s no problem, it’s just part of the adventure

When life hands you lemons on a hot day, you are going to not only make lemonade – you are somehow going to make lemon-lavender popsicles and make sure that everyone that needs one gets one.

You wouldn’t even hesitate to start doing, while most people are still trying to figure out why the lemons just appeared, because you are able to think on your feet.

You are also quite flexible, so it doesn’t fluster you when the unexpected happens, or life throws curve balls.

You still get things done even when the situation takes an unexpected turn. If you are on a road trip and get a flat tire or become lost, it’s no problem, it’s just part of the adventure and those adventures are what make for great stories and memories.

Fun Structures (ESTP, ISTP)

If you fall into the category Fun Structure, you are definitely someone who is an asset to have in an unpredictable and rapidly changing work world. You can keep things moving along, without missing a beat and make sure that things are done right and make those decisions pretty quickly. Flat tire on that road-tip, and lost, no problem, you are definitely voted most likely to get everyone out of this mess (that you might have helped them get into). This is because you are:


  • Logical
  • Detail Oriented
  • Decisive

Fun Freedoms (ESFP, ISFP)

Back to that road-trip in which you get the flat tire, or lost, it may have been just a little bit your fault when you decided it would be fun to go off road. The good news is that because of who you are, it isn’t going to bother you and you care enough about others, and they know it, that tempers won’t flare too hot. That said, most of the time being able to make fast decisions and alter your course is a good thing and people appreciate it. Back at work, you are probably relied on for special projects that involve teamwork because of your go along and get along attitude. You are:

  • Spontaneous
  • Easy Going
  • Empathetic
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