3 Great Things About Smart and Organic Pixie Organizational Types (ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP, ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP)

There are lots of things that make you special. Some of these you share with other people that are like you (your organizational type). Some are more individual to you. This, dear Pixies, who are Smarts and Organics, is all about self affirmation because you deserve to be celebrated, whether in the workplace or with friends and family.

This is actually the second of these blogs. The first one was written for the Classics and Funs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ, ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP). If you are one of those types, then click here to read about yourself.


The smarts are the people who seem to run the world. They are a commanding presence and are natural leaders.

The smarts are the people who seem to run the world. They are a commanding presence and are natural leaders. Only making up 10% of the population, they make up a much larger percentage of the CEO and politician population than any other organizational type. They know how to get things done, solve problems, and delegate. Smarts are driven and inventive. At work this usually makes them the boss and on a road trip they probably get the credit for mapping out the entire course. If you are a Smart, don’t let it get to your head, but you might feel as though the whole world would just be floundering without you. Remember that while you may set the tone and direction and come up with the awesome ideas, it is other people who usually have to help implement those.

Smart Structures (ENTJ, INTJ)

With really strong delegation and organization skills, and frequently with the help of a strong number 2, you are definitely in the lead and making moves. In the office you are, if not the CEO, certainly in some sort of leadership position and looked to for key insight and decision-making on strategic issues. Chances are if you are on that road trip with friends, lost and have a flat tire, you will rally the troops and come up with a plan or two that will work to get you all out of there safe and sound, without getting flustered. After all, you have somewhere to go and a little mishap isn’t going to stop you from getting there. This is because you are:

  • Bold
  • Practical and
  • In Control of Your Life

Smart Freedoms (ENTP, INTP)

You know there are solutions, but you also know that some of the best ones are out of the box, more creative, and should be considered against the big picture.

While your Smart Structure cousin has everything totally organized and directed, you are a little bit more flexible in your approach as to how to get at life’s problems. You know there are solutions, but you also know that some of the best ones are out of the box, more creative, and should be considered against the big picture. At work you belong in the strategic planning room, helping to map out the different ways that the goals can be accomplished. And on that road trip you will have definitely taken part in getting lost, because you were open to alternative ways to get to the destination and thought the scenic route would be lovely. It’s ok, though, because you will definitely help to get things sorted out and back on track. This is because you are:

  • Flexible
  • See the Big Picture and
  • Are Creative


These are the wild and free spirits of the world, the idealists and artists; the bleeding hearts and helpers. Organics believe in authenticity and demand it from the people they interact with. They are less likely to be working in a corporate structure than for a non-profit. They are almost the opposite of Classics in their approach to work and vacation. In fact, if you are an organic, you probably clash with them because it is so hard to understand where they come from and they probably cannot handle you. That said, you are wonderful. You will help to make projects better and make sure people stop and smell the roses and watch the sunsets when they are on a road trip with you.

Organic Structures (ENFJ, INFJ)

You are strategic and can help get that beauty in place step by step the right way. Galleries, museums, parks, gardens, and interior decorating firms would love to find more of you.

You are definitely an asset in the workplace and a valued member of the team who helps bring beauty to everything that you touch. You are strategic and can help get that beauty in place step by step the right way. Galleries, museums, parks, gardens, and interior decorating firms would love to find more of you. That said, when you are on a roadtrip with your friends and that flat tire and getting lost incident occurs you probably tried to warn them that the route you were taking wasn’t necessarily the best way to go. However, now that you are in this predicament you will definitely be able to help everyone make sure that for the rest of the trip it doesn’t happen again and that you still get to see all of the really great things you had helped to map out. Afterall, you are flexible, but you have things to do and places to be. Your best traits are that you:

  • Use Forethought and Planning
  • Are Routine (which makes you reliable), and
  • Aesthetically Driven

Organic Freedoms (ENFP, INFP)

The free-wheeling, spontaneity that comes with being an Organic Freedom can be really liberating and, yet, frustrating because most of the world operates under much more rigid expectations. Here is the thing though, you live for life while most people live for work. It isn’t easy to find a job though that plays to your natural strengths, but if you can find a way to make a living as an artist or a travel writer you might be supremely happy. You are more than happy to take a road trip spur of the moment and take the road less travelled and if you get lost or blow a tire, it is all part of the experience and while you are stuck you are likely to pull out a sketch pad, or go for a hike and see what you would have missed if you had driven past it. This is because you:

  • See the Natural Beauty in Things
  • Live for the Moment and
  • Enjoy Experiences

This just scratches the surface. We encourage you to learn more about yourself and your organizational type or Myers Briggs type and embrace all of those wonderful qualities that you have.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I sooooo appreciate having found your book and articles. I literally have tears in my eyes. I always thought something was wrong with me because I couldn’t or can’t keep a perfect house…nor care to. I definitely feel so much better knowing there is a certain way I should be organizing! Thank you so much! I am 51 and it took all this time!!!

  • We are so glad you found us!! I have to admit that even though I wrote a book about how it’s okay to not keep a perfect home…I still feel alone…until I start talking to my friends and neighbors. Then I remember I’m not alone!! So glad to meet a fellow traveler;) — Katie, the Organic Freedom “Messy” Pixie

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