At some point in my 30s, I grew tired of the average cocktail party. It’s likely not a universally shared sentiment as the introvert in me simply tires of small talk more easily than extroverts who are often energized by it. To me, the easiest way to get to know people, isn’t necessarily by talking but rather by doing something. So, this week we’re featuring fun games to liven up Memorial Day parties and the summer months stretching out before us.

Let’s face it, the world is filled with many a secret introvert—like me—who do a good game of pretending to be good at small talk. Parlor games—or in this case outdoor games—are a great way to create conversation because you are actually talking to people about something and not feigning interest in a stranger’s house repairs. Plus, outdoor games are perfect for Funs who love action. Classics will enjoy reliving their childhood—we always love visiting the past and Organics usually like to keep harmony and will go with the flow. Smarts are a wild card. I’d say it would depend on their mood or if it was their idea. Regardless, a good old fashioned game of Freeze Tag will make half of your guests super happy and the other half will roll their eyes and continue to enjoy their Gin and Tonics.

I got the description for Freeze Tag and this photo from Mt. Olive Pickles. They feature directions for fun games to play on their website. Yes, I know, odd for a pickle maker but clever since I’d never heard of them before and found them during a search for images for Freeze Tag, couldn’t resist their frozen pickle image of their mascot, Ollie, and now would be inclined to purchase their pickles next time I’m in North Carolina. 

by Mt. Olive Pickles

What You’ll Need
• A group of at least 5 friends…the more friends you have, the more fun you’re guaranteed to
• Open area to run in (back or front yard)

Getting Started
• Decide who is “it” (the tagger)
• Usually the last person to say “not it” is the tagger.

Let’s Play
• Whoever is “it” will chase everyone else until someone is tagged. Once a friend has been tagged, that person must stop running and remain in the position they were in when they were tagged. In other words, they must “freeze.”
• You can unfreeze a frozen friend if you are not “it” by tagging them. Another option would be to crawl through the legs of a frozen friend to unfreeze them. How you want to play is up to you.
• The game is played until everyone is frozen.
• The last person to be tagged becomes “it.” And then starts another round.
• Continue playing until you reach the state of exhaustion. AND HAVE FUN!!!