During a recent talk show, one of the questions thrown at Amy Gerber, hairstylist extraordinaire, was how to prevent frizz. And the woman who asked the question doesn’t have curly hair. So, it’s a universal query. Let’s face it, after a certain age and a certain amount of hair processing, frizz becomes a way of life even if you were born with silky straight hair. Today’s tip is two-fold and involves a little bit of common sense.

What we all want to know is how to replicate the way we look when we leave the salon. First, Amy says, use Moroccan oil on your hair after showering. My hair dresser Michelle said to use about a dime size, spread it through your palms and then work it through your hair. Then style with blow dryer it as you always do. But I’ve found that even then, the frizz is still there. And here’s where common sense breaks down the door —you’ve got to style it for longer than it takes to dry it. It takes a hair stylist longer to dry your hair precisely because she is not simply drying it, she’s styling it. Amy advises blow drying/styling it for an extra 10 minutes past the point where your hair is dry. That’s right, 10 minutes!

As for personality type fitting into this tip, it’s all about scheduling. A Classic, Organic Structure or Smart Structure will need to rearrange their morning routine to account for the 10 minutes of additional time and effort. Now, these are also the same personality types who might not think it’s worth the bother when you’re so busy in the AM. But, when you look and feel fantastic and someone else notices, it changes the dynamic of your day and how you feel about yourself. So, think about it from that angle. As for Funs, Organic Freedoms, and Smart Freedoms, you’re not likely to take those 10 minutes as strictly. So, the trick for you all is to notice when your hair is dry and keep going until the frizz is gone. And remember this is going to make you late if you don’t start things earlier than usual.

For less frizz with curly hair, Amy advises not to touch it after you’ve toweled it dry. I probably should have asked her why! I’ll do so at our next meeting and update this PixieTip.

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