As a Classic (SJ), I often jokingly refer to Funs (SPs) as amazing shape shifters because they can be flexible and laidback but then also super practical. So with their ability to blend, I figured they might not even have relationship Achilles’ heels. Until I read this piece of personality advice intended for introverted Fun Freedoms (ISFPs): “Use words.” Wow. Ouch. I think I only thought that was insulting because it’s what I say to my 3 year old at least 10 times a day but the advice was actually spot on. The advice is from “16 Ways to Love Your Lover” by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen and if you can get past the cheesy title, there are a ton of golden nuggets in there.

Fun Freedoms (SFPs):

Introverts (ISFPs) need to remember that although actions speak louder than words, they’re not the only way to communicate. Their advice is that instead of baking muffins to show someone how much you love them, remember to actually SAY it sometimes too. Or, if that’s too hard for you, they suggest putting a note in the muffin. Extroverts (ESFPs) apparently over extend themselves and make last minute promises that accidentally screw up routine plans with their mates. Their advice is “Stay on track” but I think it should be more like, “Remember to UNDERpromise so you can actually deliver”

Fun Structures (STPs):

Introverts (ISTPs) like their introverted Fun Freedom brethren like to think about DOING things for their mate to demonstrate their love but then dismiss these things as impractical. Kroeger & Thuesen’s advice is to follow through with these thoughts and actually doing them for your beloved. As for Extroverts (ESTPs), their advice is to slow down or rather “Settle down” meaning even though something’s boring to you — maybe visiting with in-laws in a living room — try to hang around for your mate’s sake anyway and every once in a while try being on time. Snatch!

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