Why in the World Would a Classic Need an Organizer?

There will come a time, no matter what your personality type, when life’s events, celebrations and or tribulations will confluence to create the perfect storm of clutter and yes, even the MOST naturally organized among us will need help. Now whether we hire that help or not has everything to do with personality type! And most ironically, it’s the type who least needs the help that usually ends up hiring us more than anyone else.

Classics are our PixiesDidIt!’s bread and butter. They also tend to be attracted to the organizer world, so it’s a nice marriage. When do Classics tend to need an organizer? Same time as anyone else — someone has died, someone has been born, someone has moved, or someone’s working too much. Classics are practical doers, so they are always working at accomplishing something, even when they’re retired! So if it’s not their life’s passion, then organization can and does often fall to the wayside.

This is when you can use someone to help you go through your stuff and do all the dirty work you don’t have time for. But if your disorganization isn’t due to neglect, you might need to be a bit more careful about who you hire. Classic Organizers are great at sorting, finding homes for stuff and getting things done. They’ll leave your house in better shape than they found it, but often what Classics need the most help with is big picture skills. And those ARE harder organizers to find.

So if you’ve got a problem that is flummoxing you — ie. what do I do with all this stuff from my mom’s house, how do we combine our stuff, I just had a baby and have no idea what to do with this clutter, etc…— then it’s time to be a bit more discriminating when you hire someone. Use words like vision and grand plans and ideas when asking for what their solutions would be for your problems and see if their eyes light up.

Now we’re not saying that Classic organizers won’t know how to solve an organization problem with a tried and true solution that will work for you. The benefit of being a Classic is that all traditional solutions WILL work for you, so chances are, the Classic has already solved the problem you’re dealing with and doesn’t actually need a grand plan. But if you’ve got a particularly unique issue — like you live in a four floor house and everything is everywhere — you might need a grand plan for organization that a Classic, unless they have a lot of experience with the problem of multiple living floors, won’t know how to tackle properly. Also realize that even big picture organizers — Organics and Smarts — will have most likely honed their attention to detail in mastering the craft of organization. If they haven’t, then you know to stick with your own kind.

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