Not Exactly a Lifesaver
This Real Simple tip had me scratching my head.
One of our readers’ all-time-favorite ideas: the LifeSaver as birthday-candle holder. (Candies in the original rolls provide the best fit―LifeSavers sold in big bags are larger and don’t work as well.)
It almost seemed like something an SNL writer would throw in if they were on staff at Real Simple. I mean, is it so wrong to just stick a candle in a cupcake?? Look, I get the tip if you’re doing a cute cupcake theme or a candy birthday/wedding theme. But seriously, to go out and BUY a roll of old fashioned LifeSavers just to have a candle properly mounted on a cupcake or a cake? I mean if you care that much, you should own some actual plastic candle holders. Or better yet, go vintage. My mom has these gorgeous vintage ones from her grandmother. Not unlike the ones I found below on Ebay. I guess wax could drip on to the cake without a holder but I mean all of that effort for one or two wax flakes, which you could fling off with a fork easier than a LifeSaver.
As for what personality type this reader who came up with this all-time favorite idea. I’m kind of at a loss. It could be a Classic Freedom (SFJ) sort of things if say his/her mother always used cake candle holders — Classic Freedoms are big on tradition and rituals. But, I think the same could be said of Organics (NF) and Fun Freedoms if their mother was a stickler for cake candle holders. I just see Classic Structures (STJ), Fun Structures (STP) and Smarts (NT) as way too logical to care about cake candle holders regardless of what their mums used to do.