This idea of a beach tote full of beach and pool stuff from Real Simple is pretty good — if your mom likes going to the beach. But what if she’s mostly a resort lady where the towels are always included? And really, can you include a pair of sunglasses without knowing whether they’ll look good on her or not? That said, the idea got us thinking. There are ways to personalize this clever gift basket even more, and knowing your mom’s type can help make it an even better winner.

Just like yesterday, if you get those super practical Fun Structures (STPs) and Classic Structures (STJs) something they already have they will be annoyed. Classic Freedoms (SFJs) and Smart Freedoms (SFPs) will be a little let down too, especially if they don’t like your tote or beach towel as much as their own. This idea is best for those whimsical or “unprepared” types who are often digging through their closets at the last minute for a bag to hold beach duds. Those would be your Organic Freedoms (NFPs) and Smart Freedoms (NTPs). Essentials are often lost on them and they will always appreciate a practical gift as long as it has got some flair. Organic Structures (NFJs) and Smart Structures (STPs) will probably already have a plan for the beach, so giving them a gift of this nature will be telling them that you don’t like their plan. So make sure they’re in need of an update and that you’ve done a little research and know what mom wants most at the beach.

We think this J Crew’s Farmers market tote is a stylish bag, good for all — not too big and not too small — and chances are your practical frugal Funs (SPs) and Classics (SJs) could stand an update. And try to personalize it with goodies that you know your mom will like or need — like practical sun tan lotion for those Smart Freedoms (NTP), a good book in your Smart Structure (NTJ) mom’s favorite subject, baby powder (practical and clever way to get sand off your body) for your Classics (SJs) and Funs (SPs), and to make it a home run for all, and especially Organic (NF), Fun Freedom (SP), and Classic Freedom (SJ) moms, think something sentimental, like a beach towel from the beach you used to go to as a family.

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