I don’t know what it is about beets and beans, but they remind me of summer in Greenville, PA, in the backyard of my grandma and grandpas, of playing in their basement and in the scarcely used root cellar, clean and smelling of earth. Just the idea of beets and beans takes me right back to a time and place and people that is no more, except for fleeting glimpses in the faces of my cousins and aunts and uncles, and on the occasions when we get together in the summer under pavilions and on picnic tables, our skin still warm from the hot sun and the children smelling impossibly sweet.

This week we have summer recipes to help evoke such memories and Kelly found this one via Gwyneth Paltrow on Goop, who tweaked a recipe of Jamie Oliver’s Beef Carpaccio with Marinated Bean Salad featured in Jamie at Home. “We swapped the beef for beets and added some toasted pine nuts for protein to create a beautiful and nutritious treat. This works great as a healthy appetizer or served with a non-gluten grain or starch for a cleanse-friendly meal option.”

This isn’t a simple recipe but it’s well worth the effort. Personality type wise Fun (SP) cooks will find it rather easy and will not understand why we thought it difficult, but Organic Freedoms (NFP) and Smart Freedoms (NTP) should take extra care with all the details this recipe entails and double check when they are done that they’ve added all the ingredients and the right amount! All these aforementioned cooking types might underestimate the time it will take. The results, however, are well worth the time for all you beet and bean lovers out there, so we also suggest that Classics Freedoms (SFJ) and Organic Structures (NFJ)  go ahead and try it— especially those who have special memories associated with these foods. Unless they’re foodies with a yen for beets, Smart Structures (NTJs) and Classic (STJs) Structures might find it too time intensive, but as we said, beet lovers will be well rewarded for their perservence.

Summer Beet and Bean Salad

Makes 4

  • 4 medium beets
  • 15 oz can’s worth of green or mixed beans, trimmed (if they’re fresh)
  • 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 shallots, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt
  • freshly ground pepper

Preheat oven to 400°F. Wash beets well and remove green tops if necessary. Line a roasting pan with aluminum foil and place the beets in the pan. Coat them with a tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Cover the beets with aluminum foil, place in the oven to roast for about an hour or until tender. Beets are done once they can be easily speared with a fork. Remove from oven and let cool. Alternatively, if you have a steamer or steam extension, you could steam the beets for about 40 minutes, or until soft.

Meanwhile, mix the shallots in a large bowl with the parsley, mustard and vinegar. Slowly whisk in the rest of the olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil. Add the beans and let them cook for about 3 minutes. You just want to blanche the beans, not cook them through, so that they stay firm and beautifully bright green. Remove beans from the water and add them to the marinade. Once the beets have cooled, slice them as thin as you like, season with salt and pepper and arrange in a single layer over 4 large plates. Top with green beans, spooning any leftover marinade on top, and sprinkle with toasted pine nuts.

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