Gift Giving by Personality Type

I find the problem with gift guides is that they categorize everything by gender & hobby. I get the gender category because it’s the rare man who wants a pink pashmina but then the same can be said about the ubiquitous male gift guide fancy razor suggestion. The hobby route often doesn’t work because unless it’s your BFF, you don’t know if the item you buy will be truly useful. I wish gift guides came with ideas about what makes one gift awesome to one person and a “No thanks” to another. Here’s my stab at creating just such a guide. Starting with Dylan Kendall’s feet salt & pepper shakers. These are perfect for those with a sense of humor and those with a salt & pepper shaker collection. Do not give this gift to anyone who you remotely think is serious. How to know who these folks are, plus a few other gift giving tips please reado on. 

The sense of humor folks are often Organic Freedoms (NFP) and Smart Freedoms (NTP). They’re such out of the box thinkers that even if salt & pepper shakers with feet is something they’d never buy themselves, they will most likely find them amusing and end up using them in their daily life, especially if they have young kids. Katie is mad for their teeth rimmed toothbrush holders and thinks her kids would crack up big time over them. And frankly she’s pretty over the moon about everything they offer, especially the coffee and tea accoutrements. And Organic Freedoms especially love a good story behind their stuff and the story of how these silly feeted housewares came to be is pretty cool.

Out of all of the personality types, I admire Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms for their ability to refrain from holding on too “tight” or taking something like salt & pepper shakers, toothbrush holders or cream and sugar holders too seriously. Even if it’s not their style, both types would get enjoyment from simply seeing others’ bemused reaction to them. Plus, after reading Dylan Kendall’s bio on her website, I’ve got to imagine she’s an Organic Freedom herself! That being said, this particular gift is best given to someone who has something equally bemusing displayed in their home already or they’re the type to sing Gilbert & Sullivan tunes at whim. This means their predisposed to this sort of humor and the gift will delight.

If you don’t know if someone is predisposed to singing Gilbert & Sullivan at whim or whether they’re an Organic Freedom (NFP) or a Smart Freedom (NTP), you can read our descriptions of them to get an idea but generally they tend to have lots of piles of papers, are better dreamers than planners, and can often be late. Smart Freedoms will appreciate a practical gift but you can take more risks with them if you stay within their areas of interest. Don’t go uber practical with Organic Freedoms even if there’s a lot of thought behind it, because even if they need a spatula, they will be more delighted by something fun or beautiful. This plate is also a Dylan Kendall design and says “Live Joyfully!”—it’s something most Smart Freedoms (NTP) and Organics (NF) would like. They have it in orange as well and I can see many a Fun (SP) appreciating this plate as well. It would make a great holiday plate for cookies or whatnot. And even though it’s not available until January 2013 … if anyone can handle a delayed gift it’s a Smart Freedom, an Organic Freedom or a Fun — timing isn’t their strong suit.

This isn’t to say other personality types don’t have a sense of humor—they do—but not about practical items. However, for the many personality types out there who would not like to receive DK’s amusing salt & pepper shakers, there is a caveat—notably Classics (SJ) and Funs (SP). These types are inclined more than others to collect things. In the days of yore, these were were the Hummel collectors of the world. But now it’s a rare young bird who collects these things. Instead they might have pitchers or a certain kind of plate OR, yes, salt & pepper shakers. So if you’ve seen other salt shakers in their home (and they must be used or displayed) then this is a perfect gift. If they don’t have a collection then this is not the gift for them. They will not be amused by this gift.

Classics are your typical type “A”, organized guy or gal and they’re usually pretty traditional. They’re the ones who if you slap a monogram on it, they’ll like it. Funs (SPs) can also be organized and traditional, but usually they’re on the margin and a little hipper and often the last to arrive at the holiday party. They also tend to like bright colors and so Dylan Kendall’s more traditional homewares (like the plates) might appeal. You can go also always go practical when gift giving for Classics and Funs. Seriously, if they ask for underwear then they truly want underwear. As a Classic, I can’t tell you how many years I’ve asked for socks and been bummed not to receive them. C Wonder is a good place to find things for both of these types. All of their stuff is conservative with a flair so likely to appeal to both. 

Organic Structures (NFJ)’s are more practical than their Organic Freedom (NFP) counterparts but to make them truly happy during this gift giving season, steer clear of buying them something practical unless they’ve asked for it. Unlike Classics, they probably will never ask for something as boring as underwear or socks. So their practical request will be much more legitimate. Organic Structures (NFJ) are like little red hens, doing everything for everybody, great planners but not anal retentive when it comes to their belongings because they’re not as bothered having organized piles of paper out on their desk as Classics (SJ) often are. As you would with Organic Freedoms, put real thought into the gift and they’ll likely be delighted. Both varieties of Organics (NFs) like stories or meaning behind their possessions. Also, beware, because Organics of all stripes will also do the best job of pretending they like a gift. They’re also the most likely to feel guilty about returning something you bought them that they don’t love. Chances are you could buy them the DK salt & pepper shakers (or other tabletop items from her line) and they’d find a way to use and enjoy them. I tend to default to Anthropologie for Organics of all stripes because their stuff often LOOKS like it has a story behind it. I also think Organic Structures have a harder time than other types in making the time to pamper themselves. So if you go gift certificate route then think luxurious service.

Now Smart Structures (NTJ) are the toughest gift nugget to crack. If they give you a list, go by it and you’ll end up pleasing them. If you go off list, always go super high quality. How to spot a Smart (NT) other than knowing that one person in your life who you think is the smartest person in the room (and they do too)? They are pretty well organized except for tending to details. They tend to pile up paper rather than filings away and are usually very exacting. On the margin, Smart Freedoms tend to be a little bit messier than Smart Structures. Katie thinks you can usually find something at Levenger for them, especially if they’re the book collecting Smart Structure type. If you get something for them that’s in their interest area, definitely do your research and make sure it’s something they don’t already have AND is actually something they want/need plus top of the line. This is the personality type that will do the worst job of pretending they love something you gave them, and is the group of folks that is least likely to appreciate an amusing gift, unless, for instance they seem like the type to sing Gilbert & Sullivan at whim. 

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