Or maybe recyclables. Even though this seems like a thrifty Classic idea, when I first repurposed a holiday card as as a new gift card, my Classic seven-year-old daughter was a bit disgusted. “It’s old. It’s a Christmas card! We need to buy new card.” But who knows. Maybe she isn’t as evolved as other Classics might be. Or because  I’m attracted to it, maybe there’s just something intrinsically Organic to it.

I love it because I adore so many of my holiday cards hate to throw them away. Throwing away useful items is something that Classics and Funs have a hard time doing (and anyone raised by someone who lived through the Great Depression.) So this ideas is a clever and creative new use for an old, arguabley trash, thing. I used to only keep the holiday cards for the following season, but this idea takes it one step further. Use the holiday cards for more than one occasion.

Real Simple suggests to “Cut out hearts, flowers, or any other whimsical illustration from the card’s cover, avoiding handwritten notes on the opposite side, and stash them with your ribbon and wrapping paper.” Another great solution to keeping trash, no matter how pretty, is to find a home for it and this is it. By keeping the cards with your ribbon and wrapping paper, you are probably going to use them. I know I did and I’m the “laziest” most forgetful type there is.

I would suggest going a bit further and getting those cool cut-out punches or funky scissors from Michael’s or a craft store. Martha Stewart has a line of them. This way you can get funky trim on the cards, or a perfect heart, circle, or flower shape.

Anyway, its a perfect little bit of craft project for a supposedly major big snow day!! (If you are on the North Coast or East Coast of America!)  Start using them to make those Valentine’s. And Smarts? Yes, by all means, throw them out without a second thought!

Great for all save Smarts

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