Okay, so here’s my biggest problem with being pregnant and being fashionable. It hurts. For the last four months my bras have been digging into my breastbone and making me nauseous and just so uncomfortable that I went out and got a bunch of shelf bras and just felt like a nauseous pudgy blobby mess. Even these amazing Frye boots my husband got me for my 40th birthday last year? It’s like torture, $300 CRUEL SHOES…

So I have just ordered some Merrell boots (that look half way decent) to get me through till my sausage feet begin to show signs of bones again, but when it comes to my best and most enduring body feature, I was having a hard time resigning myself to saggy boobs (as seen in the photo above.) We Pixies make a lot of noise about having bras that fit you properly and I was pushing on two years with the one bra that fit. I had bought some other ones through the mail that were just too tight and was making do with one of those bra strap extenders. I know! So bad!

Inaction is the curse of all Organic Freedoms, and so I was putting off the inevitable. I needed some new bras. So I finally went to La Petite Coquette to get fitted, certain that I would have gone up a size with my new pregnancy weight. But nope, I was still the same size, I had just bought bras that while they were the right size, did not actually fit. So. Moral of the story once again, “The Bra Makes the Girl.” And if the bra fits properly? It actually doesn’t dig in and kill ya…and my girls (as you can see in the second photo) are back up where they belong. Oh and if you don’t have a fabulous local bra shop, your finer department stores like Nordstrom are your best bet.

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