Today is essentially a personality luvvah cheat sheet. I feature some of the ways different personality types might really annoy certain types when thrown together. I say some for a reason because let’s face it, there isn’t enough room on the internet to summarize all of the myriad ways couples could possibly annoy each other.

Classics (SJs) are most likely to annoy Funs (SPs), Organic Freedoms (NFPs) and Smart Freedoms (NTPs) with their relative inflexibility. Classics are creatures of habits and routines and it’s hard for us to stray. This is naturally going to annoy the more flexible, go with the flow personality types. Funs, Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms would do well to remember that the predictability and routine Classics usually provide is not as highly overrated as you sometimes deem it to be. After all, it’s kind of nice to know that the trash collector comes every Monday and not when he’s motivated to do so.

Funs (SPs) are most likely to annoy Classics (SJs), Smart Structures (NTJs) and Organic Structures (NFJs) with their keen ability to be frequently late for social functions and to have a slow response rate to queries about get togethers or setting up plans in advance. Basically, if a Fun is on the fence, you ain’t gonna hear nottin’ from ‘em or get a decision until something pushes them over the fence or a deadline hits them in the face. Classics, Smart Structures, and Organic Structures would be wise to realize the chances of you changing their procrastinating ways are slim to non. Adjust your planning nature accordingly. Classic Freedoms (SFJs), Organic Structures (NFJs) and Organic Freedoms (NFJs) would be wise not to read to much into the procrastinating or take it personally.

Organics (NFs) are most likely to annoy … wait, who do Organics annoy? As a Classic Freedom (SFJ), I find that they’re often just such nice folks and they rarely annoy me. I’d say their tenderness and desire for harmony might annoy a lot of Ts or rather Classic Structures (STJs), Fun Structures (STPs) and Smarts (NTs). I know I’ve stepped on my sister’s toes on many occasions without meaning to do so and I’m not even a Classic Structure! Classic Structures, Fun Structures and Smarts need to keep in mind that toughening up Organics isn’t going to happen overnight and you’re better served by treading lightly when dealing with sensitive subjects.

Smarts (NTs) are most likely to annoy … everybody! Ha, just kidding. I love to pick on Smarts mainly because I’ve always wished I was one. I’d say their inability to take other people’s feelings into consideration would really frustrate Classic Freedoms (SFJs), Fun Freedoms (SFPs) and Organics (NFs). The best advice for these types dealing with Smarts is that they are not doing it to be mean. They often will reconsider an action if you point out their behavior was insensitive. I say often  for a reason. Sometimes they don’t budge.

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