While I can almost see some kind of value and or cool idea in reusing candy wrappers, Real Simple’s next idea for this month’s “New Uses for Old Vices” is just plain crazy. They suggest, once you’ve curbed your vice of watching television, to remove the batteries from your old remotes and use them “to hide cash, a spare key, or anything else you might need handy.” Seriously, really?!

Okay I don’t actually want to say what personality type came up with this idea because I really think that the editors at Real Simple were working against a deadline and just didn’t have a good idea to save their lives. I think it was just pure laziness on their part which probably isn’t so nice to say either and it goes against all my Organicness (NFs) to say it. And I couldn’t possibly come up with new ideas like this every month so who am I to judge?

Oh but I’m sorry. I’m going to resolve to stretch my preferences and give a little constructive criticism. If you can’t come up with 10 good ideas, then maybe just try for five and they might have had one good one in there!

But yes. If you have an old remote control that does not work on any of your existing electronics, then it belongs in the trash. Period. If you are a Classic Freedom (SFJ) or an Organic (NF) without a full time job, you are allowed to donate it to an art program that recycles trash into art, or troll the Internet to find an alternative recycling type use for them. But do not, I repeat, do NOT let it stay in your house as a hiding place for cash or other valuables, because we guarantee that its the easiest way to lose said money or valuables when a cooler head prevails.

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