Are Baby Visits Better at Hospital or Home?
Dear K & K: My friend is about to have her first baby. Do I offer to visit her in hospital or wait until she’s home?
Sincerely: Perplexed in Peoria
Dear Perplexed: Umm … ask HER which she prefers. Kelly’s good friend just asked her last night whether or not she should visit Kelly in hospital when she has her baby. Some people love a visit and some are insanely private. Try, “So, are you the type of person who wants hospital visitors or would you prefer we invade your home?” Kelly’s response was a resounding, “Heck ya! In hospital!” Oh and if you go to the hospital send flowers to her house when she arrives home. She’ll be sprung soon and will enjoy arriving home to a cheery bouquet.
Happy baby holding! K&K
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