They’re cute BUT they’re one of the biggest reasons we all feel disorganized!

Dear K&K: I’m about to have my first baby. I’ve got everything I need — I think!?? My question is: How do you STAY organized after a baby? Signed: Waiting in Waukegan.

Dear Waiting: Although it’s too late, we offer a word of warning about expanding your family. Expanding beyond a two person household in our experience is the second single biggest obstacle to staying organized because expanding beyond ONE person is THE biggest!! BUT, babies are worth it. See picture of one of Kelly’s little cherubs.

First of all, please read our PixieTip post on basic needs for a baby. It’ll act as a checklist to reassure you that you have all that you need. Next, read on to find out our other top tips to stay organized with babies.

Our first solution to stay organized after a baby is to set up a cubby for the baby (or a new pet) before he/she sets foot in the door. These little munchkins will cross your threshold WITH PAPERS. Let us repeat. Babies arrive with a full Inbox. It’s almost like a modern zen Ash Wednesday reminder. You enter this world with a full Inbox and you leave this world with a full Inbox. Then, there is medicines, doodads and sentimental items. Long story short, your home and life will consequently be incredibly neater and easier IF you get new occupants their own cubby.

Moving on to our second solution to stay organized after a baby, have empty bins ready to fill with clothes they’ve outgrown. While this might sound like overkill, the first year happens in the blink of an eye. You’ll be glad you have a system already in place because that first year can be overwhelming.

Finally, our last in our trio of best tips to stay organized with babies is to have empty shelves for toys and stuffed animals. If there isn’t blank space at the start, it’ll probably feel like you have toys everywhere within 18 months. Best of Luck to You. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Katie & Kelly

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