Back to School Homework for Parents

pile-of-papers-on-the-dresserSo the kids are back in school and this is what my vanity looks like. Chances are I’ll never look at these papers again — curriculum night instructions, syllabuses, parent teacher contracts, what you need to know about my child, PTO meetings, etc.. I’m exhausted just writing about it let alone dealing with it. I had more homework on the first night of school than the kids. But even in our digital age with everything I actually need for school available online at a moment’s notice I still have an onslaught of paper and no idea where to put it — file it or trash it?

Classics can put it on a To Do list and then deal with it later in a timely manner. Organic Structures and Smart Structures can put it in a pile much like the one I’ve got next to my jewelry, but probably in a more conventional location like the kitchen or home office, but they’ll get to it sooner rather than later. For us organizationally challenged Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms? Sigh. I spent two hours doing all the homework and paperwork on the first day. Funs, you already know this is the way to get it done. Right away or God only knows. Only thing I put off was the medical questionnaires as it involves making a doctors appointment which was just one too many things to do after all that paperwork. Plus they’re going to bug me about it, all those state laws and stuff.

papers-in-the-trashSo what to do with this pile of papers, of important emails, and websites and etc. I keep telling myself that I’m going to go through the pile but I’m getting older now and more honest with myself about who I am. It’s going to sit there for months and then eventually I’m going to get sick of looking at it and throw it away. I have all the contact information I need on the school district’s website. I’m already signed up for the PTO’s newsletters. My older kids know who their teachers are and what their responsibilities are as students. And finally the school district has figured out how to let us click on an event and have it pop up on our smart phones automatically. So all I’m doing is holding onto a pile of trash.

Here it goes. Right where it should be. Join me.

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