The Best Organizational Products and Techniques for Funs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP)

As Pixies, we fashioned our Pixie Types in part on the Myers Briggs method of Personality typing. We did this because the Myers Briggs method is one of the most trusted psychological personality type tools in existence. It’s based on and inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological theory that every person has a different view of the world and a different way of absorbing information and making decisions.


There are 16 Myers Briggs personality types. For purposes of brevity, we won’t get into them except in relation to the way they connect to Pixie Types. All you really need to know is that the Fun type (adventurous and practical) is separated into two subtypes, based on how they make decisions: “Funs (SP) like Classics (SJ) are separated into two different types based on whether they use logic or subjective criteria to make decisions.” If this sentence makes no sense to you, do not fear: basically it means that Funs use sensing and perceiving, while Classics use sensing and judging, to take in information and make decisions. So as similar as these two Pixie types are in that they both use their senses to take in the world around them, they make decisions differently — one using logic (having things neat and orderly) and the other using spontaneity (going with the flow and accepting unknown outcomes) to accomplish things.


Here are the main things you need to know about Funs (SPs)

  • They aren’t easily categorized
  • They (sometimes) love adventure
  • They live in the moment – and do it well
  • They get things done but are flexible about how they achieve goals
  • They are easy-going


Here are the main things you need to know about how Funs organize things:


  1. They are selectively organized — meaning that they will organize a room that they care about down to the last, tiny detail and keep it that way — but those other rooms that they don’t care about get left behind. For example, say they love hosting small get togethers. The living room will always be immaculate and cozy. But they don’t have any interest in cooking, so the pans and pots will pile up in random kitchen cabinets and nothing will be the least bit orderly.
  2. Given the above info, Funs need to make things more… well, fun, in order to achieve optimal organization. They will file with the best of them, but only if a filing system is provided. They will not create one. Nor will they spend a Sunday cleaning out the closet (unless they are a clotheshorse).
  3. Funs can occasionally default to piling, although this type is usually detail-oriented and orderly. This means that they need some kind of containers to keep their piles in order.
  4. Funs tend to run late, which is why electronic calendars (with buzzers and alarms) can keep them punctual and avoid the tendency to procrastinate.


Tools and Tips for Funs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP)


Considering the above qualities, we came up with a few tips and products to keep you Funs organized and orderly.


For your entryway:

  1. Use opaque, colorful bins inside cubbies to organize the cubby contents
  2. Color-code everything or anything you like — and make it fun!
  3. Make this space functional, but give it your own artistic touch
  4. Increase your amount of storage for ugly things and/or clutter (utilize Later Boxes or your attic for, say, extra handbags you never use)
  5. Install a mail holder on the wall so that you’ll see it directly when you get inside the door. This way, you’ll deal with the bills or mail in the moment, which is the only way you really deal with anything.


For your kitchen:

  1. Throw things out right in the moment when you think of it, don’t wait
  2. Get yourself some fridge bins
  3. Remember the open shelving craze of 2017? That’s the craze for you
  4. Hide your trash bin in a cabinet or closet
  5. If you love to cook, get some really nice kitchen ware — it’s worth it!


For your living room:

  1. Get some pretty bins, closed baskets and velvety storage ottomans to hide your clutter
  2. Have one large piece of storage furniture, like a large bookshelf and keep the rest simple
  3. Have fun (making a grand plan) with designing and structuring this space! The sky’s the limit — except when it comes to certain rules regarding spacing and functionality


Organizational Tools for Funs (ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP)

Filing System-

  1. Filing Cabinet
  2. Folders

Opaque Containers and Colorful Bins

Electronic Calendar

Cubby Systems and Bins

Artistic Touches

Mail Holder

Fridge Bins

Hidden Trash Bin


Large Bookshelf / Buffet

Smaller storage pieces


So there you have it. The key to organizational freedom is figuring out how you view things, how you prioritize, how you make decisions, and the way in which you operate. All of these aspects together determine your Myers Briggs/Pixie Type. When we have that information, we can then get right in there and help you achieve your dream abode! For more information on our consulting services and all other things Pixie, visit our website — and remember — if it ain’t fun, fix it!

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