The Best Organizational Products and Techniques for Organics (ENFP, INFP, ENFJ, INFJ)

If you have any interest in how people work and function in day to day life, you’ve probably done some research into the Myers-Briggs personality construct. The theory designates 16 different types, and our Pixie Types are based on the Myers Briggs model of personality typing.

To summarize in the most general way possible, the Myers Briggs model is made up of 16 different combinations of the following character traits, represented by the following letters:


E/I- Stands for Extroversion and Introversion

S/N- Stands for Sensing and INtuition

T/F- Stands for Thinking and Feeling

J/P- Stands for Judging and Perceiving


All of the character types are made up of some combination of these letters. In this article, we’ll discuss the Organic Pixie type, which corresponds with the Myers Briggs types ENFP/INFP and ENFJ/INFJ. The Organic is an idealist, a helper, a person who values relationships over almost anything else, and places great emphasis on authenticity and meaning. From our website, a quote describing Organics, or NFs, perfectly:


“You make up less than a quarter of the American population (16%), and often feel alone in your battle to place authenticity and meaning ahead of achievement and ambition.”


The pixie dust here is that as professional organizers, we use the personality types to help us find organizational techniques and products that will work best for you. That is our goal. You simply won’t get organized or ‘together’ if you’re, for example, an Organic but struggling to behave like a Classic (extremely detail-oriented, results driven, logical decision makers, and hyper averse to clutter of any kind).


Let’s face it: Organics care more about their friends (and their friends’ problems) than they do about maintaining an organized kitchen. However, it is possible for this personality type to get and stay organized. All it takes are a few techniques and products to help them along.


Organizational Pitfalls


Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘analysis, paralysis’? Organics easily fall prey to this type of thinking when it comes to getting organized. They overthink, and don’t just dive in. Another pitfall for this type is accumulation of stuff, or ‘clutter’ as we like to call it. Getting an organic to let go of a sentimental item is almost impossible — without certain Pixie tools (which we will elaborate on in the next paragraph). They leave things in piles, and the piles accumulate. They forget about minor but important details, and don’t put things back in their place. They procrastinate and they forget about things they can’t see (no wooden filing cabinets for this type!). So how does an Organic achieve anything close to organization? Listen up.


Organizational Solutions


  1. Formalize Your Piles. Do this everywhere you have or make piles in the house.Use inbox type containers to contain the piles. Keep one in every room. Keep multiple inboxes in your home office, and make sure they are clear and you can see what is in them. That’s actually a general ‘container’ rule for Organics. Because they have a visual memory and can only remember what they can actually see, it is imperative that the containers, bins, and structure of their homes and workplaces be transparent (by ‘structure’, we mean something akin to open shelving in the kitchen area, etc.).
  2. Use Transparent Bins and Label Them. Again, you need to see things but also contain them, and labeled bins are the perfect organizational solution to this problem.
  3. Purge Annually and GET HELP to Do This. This is a toughie. We know. We’ve helped tons of clients purge, and it’s always a process. One solution to this dilemma is to create storage space in the attic and create what we like to call ‘Later Boxes’. These are (transparent!) bins or storage containers that hold things that you just — cannot — part with. Those sentimental items that remind you of special memories can go in these.
  4. Buy Matching Hangers. Remember when we mentioned keeping not just bins transparent, but the entire structural system of your home? The closet is no exception. You need to see everything — and we mean everything — in order to keep your clothes organized, so hang as much as you can on hangers. Double hang, if you have to. Our book states, “Hang everything except underwear, socks, and loungewear.” It’s true.
  5. Get Some Shoe Bins for the Bottom of the Closets. These are the only bins that do not have to be transparent, because you’ll be looking down at them and seeing everything (as long as you keep them neat).
  6. Make a Kitchen Junk Drawer. This is the one place where you can put anything you want that doesn’t have an obvious or proper home.
  7. Buy Matching Leftover Containers. You don’t need that many, so skip the 24 piece Rubbermaid recipe for disaster and buy a five piece, glassware set of variously sized leftover containers. You’ll be glad you did. Purging is good for the soul.
  8. Use Hooks Instead of Towel Racks in the Bathroom.


Organizational Products for Organics


Inbox Containers

Open Shelving Ideas

Transparent Bins

Matching Hangers

Shoe Bins

Leftovers Containers

Towel Hooks


See? Organics CAN get organized. They just need to see things, get a little help purging, and have their piles contained. Simple! And this gives them way more time to interact with people, which is what they do best.

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