81ue9crwsjl-_sl1500_Dear Katie & Kelly: My husband and I disagree about where to store our mail. I have always kept it on our kitchen room table because our entranceway doesn’t have room for an entryway table. But, my husband often takes this pile and hides it away behind a nearby cabinet. It’s driving me crazy. Any suggestions? Signed: Maelstrom in Massachusetts 

Dear Maelstrom: We have two clients who had this exact problem. It’s not uncommon when one of you is a Classic and one of you isn’t. Classics need to have messy piles like mail or bills hidden away or at a minimum tidy and in an appropriate home. A place for everything and everything in its place. Our favorite compromise solution for entryway clutter are acrylic wall bins. Either on the wall in the entryway or on the inside of the nearest closet or cabinet door. The former sounds like it’s a better compromise for you since it sounds like the hiding away aspect is what is annoying you. Acrylic ones are key so that the pile of mail, bills or whatever pressing items you want out in a pile are still visible to you. All our best: Katie & Kelly

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