Living on the east coast, dealing with Hurricane Sandy holed up in my home but lucky enough to have power, the last two weeks have been a good time to catch up on TV shows. I made sure to watch all of my missed episodes of my two favorites—Boardwalk Empire and Dexter—and then had time left over to figure out why my favorite shows are in fact my favorite shows. No big surprise that they’re my favorite shows for vastly different reasons than they are for my Smart Structure (NTJ) boyfriend, or for Classic Freedom (SFJ) Pixie Kelly. When you think about it, it’s amazing hit shows become hits when what attracts us to them is often so varied.

My Smart Structure (NTJ) boyfriend likes things about Boardwalk Empire that I have never even noticed before. One of the first things he noted was the camera work, it was not until he pointed this out that I saw that they did indeed have an artistic flare—holding on certain scenes for lengths of time and then particular angles. What really keeps him watching, though, is all the hot water the characters get themselves into and the excitement the inherent conflict brings. And one of our favorite characters is Jimmy who besides always being sharply dressed and kicking butts, is also one of those gut instinct idealist characters who is always looking towards the future, whilst plagued by his past. They’re traits that will always appeal to Smarts and Organics (NF) alike.

Another thing that we both love about Boardwalk is that it takes place so close to home. I definitely feel more connected to a show when I know it takes place in my home town or somewhere like Jersey that is so close. I think as an Organic Freedom (NFP) it’s very important for me to feel a connection with the characters to get into a show and Boardwalk does this perfectly—you either love or hate the characters. Once I feel that connection I can’t help being angry, sad, or happy at the end of the 60 minutes. Organic Freedom (NFP) Katie also gets into shows for the same reason. She either likes the actors or loves the characters. She’s always been a fan of Steve Buscemi, which is why she began watching in the first place, but she kept watching for the strong and conflicted Margaret, Buscemi’s love interest.

Meanwhile Classic Freedom (SFJ) Kelly told me that she loves Boardwalk Empire purely because it’s a well done period piece. It’s basically The Soprano’s in the 1920s. And while she watched Sopranos, she didn’t love it nearly as much as she loves Boardwalk. This made sense when she explained that many Classics (SJ) often love history because of their strong sense of tradition and orientation toward the past. Well, that and she was a history major in college — British History, which is also why she loves Downton Abbey so much.

Dexter is another Sunday night gem and in the course of a week I sat down and watched the first 5 seasons —something very easy for an Organic Freedom to do and probably something a Classic (SJ), Organic Structure (NFJ) or Smart Structure (NTJ) might do in a more metered out fashion. Now that I’m caught up on Dexter, I go to my boyfriend’s house every Sunday and we watch both shows (Dexter and Boardwalk) together. He is starting to find Dexter boring. There just isn’t enough action anymore for him whereas I am still on the edge of my seat! The plot is thickening and my mouth is always left open to catch flies while he’s complaining that nothing happened. Kelly says that she kind of agrees with my boyfriend on this one. What’s funny about what my boyfriend and I share in common about this show is that Dexter isn’t our favorite character, the side line Detective Quinn is. He is more relatable than any of the characters for me; he is very impulsive and goes with his gut, and I think my Smart Structure counter part really digs him for the same reasons we love Jimmy in Boardwalk. He’s just a bad mofo. Practical Kelly? She just wants to sit both Jimmy & Quinn down and give them a talking or two about the importance of counting to 10 before acting on their impulses. Now Sergeant Batista, that’s her guy — solid, loyal, sensible, down to earth, oh wait, that’s her!

Katie said it took a long time for her to get into Dexter because, well, a show about a serial killer? Her value based decision making made it hard to even think about rooting for a mass murderer, because she is so often guided by mercy and grey areas and death is well, it’s just so absolute! But having been raised by a Smart Structure (NFJ), she also has a great appreciation for justice, and when she heard that her traditional sister Kelly was watching it, she thought she might be missing something. It was Kelly, after all, who got her into that other period piece, Mad Men. Plus she’s always liked the actor, C. Michael Hall. She, like me, watched about four seasons all at once and was immediately enmeshed. The fact that Dexter has a strict code and that he proves to himself beyond a shadow of a doubt that the people he kills are actually guilty of murder, makes the absoluteness okay. And frankly, many of Dexter’s victims are showed great mercy compared to the deeds they are guilty of themselves. And as to Quinn, Katie has a soft spot for him too, which we think isn’t just because he’s a bad mofo who needs to learn how to take a time out. He’s also a detective who uses his gut instincts to solve mysteries, which is always going to be a great draw to those Smarts and Organics who swear they have a sixth sense.

As for Funs (SP), Katie thinks that as long as they’re not squeamish, they might like Dexter because he is likely a somewhat, um, extremely damaged Fun Structure (STP) himself. He is practical, detail oriented and able to adapt quickly to changing situations. He’s a blood spatter expert by trade after all, which is definitely a career that a Fun Structure might be naturally drawn to. We’re not as sure about Boardwalk Empire as there doesn’t seem to be as much James Bond or Indiana Jones type action—more big picture strategic with spots of sudden and terrific violence, but if they’re appreciative of the kind of details like camera angles and cinematography (something Funs are naturally adept with) they might find it to their liking.

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