is the most important element to any outfit? No, not accessories, nor shoes, nor bottoms or tops, what’s MOST IMPORTANT is what’s underneath and it ain’t your body. It’s that damn bra. A good one, however, can make or break an outfit. Our brassieres can literally take off ten pounds in two seconds, or add ten years.

So why do we skimp? Why is there such universal truth of denial for good/enough bras in the blogosphere? Why do women of all types so routinely deny themselves this the most essential self-esteem booster which is also a practical and often physical necessity?

I’m not sure. Some think we are being snowed by salespeople, but it’s a simple game of physics and wear and tear. Fabric ain’t meant to last and neither are our skin fibers. But even me, a well endowed woman, who has known for a few years now that I need to be fitted and I need to stop buying the cheap bras at Victoria’s Secret, went two years without buying a new one, and was still wearing bras from 2007 that no longer fit properly. And yeah it was because I thought I shouldn’t be wasting the money. And I’m not alone, and I am wrong. Yeah, we’ve been tight, but this is not where I should skimp. And in researching this PixieTip I was appalled by how many women were appalled that we need more bras and we need to buy them more often. Oh the cost of proper underwear! What is wrong with us?

Again, I don’t know. But what I do know is that generally, you should buy a new bra every year (more if you don’t have that many bras and are wearing the same one over and over again as I was for the last two years.) We should all have at least two bras, preferably more than that. You should wash them every two days or so, by hand (or on the hand wash cycle if you have a non-agitating washing) NEVER DRY THEM IN THE DRYER, and do not wear them more than one day in a row. You should get fitted if you’ve been dieting, exercising, gotten pregnant, entered menopause. Hormones or weight fluctuations of any kind? Get thee to the fitting room. In fact, when was the last time you were fitted? Can’t remember? GO. It’s free. It’s no big deal.

So where do do this? Nordstrom is an amazing department store. Yes I just went there and was fitted and it was the best experience. Why? Because the woman explained that the band is what keeps the bra up (I knew that) and that it should “tack” in between my bosoms. What does this mean? The fabric between the two cups should lay flat on my sternum. Also, the bra straps should lay flat on my shoulder down to the cup. No gaps. I just got a new Victoria’s Secret catalog and on the cover the model’s bra strap wasn’t laying flat. Bad fit! In New York City, which sadly is sans Nordstrom, we are partial to La Petit Coquette and the Town Shop. Online, I’ve also had good luck with Bare Necessities, but frankly, Nordstrom’s return policy and online shopping is one of the best in the business. It’s just one of those very good stores in person and online. But if you can’t get to a physical store, here’s a pretty decent video about how to fit yourself for a bra.

Oh and if the bra is uncomfortable? It doesn’t fit. So, please, do yourself a favor and get refitted ever year and buy at least one new bra every year. Even if its identical! As you get more used to the fitting room, you’ll find a brand that fits your breasts best. And bras come in all price points. We found this article that found a bra for $17 bucks. So no more denial. Let the new bras overfloweth.

Good for everyone.

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