Classics (SJs) are practical, list making, routine lovers so how could you possibly ever have difficulty with a resolution? Your hang-up ironically lies in your acute ability to stick to routines. Yes, you read that right. People who love routines can have trouble with resolutions. The problem is that you’re SO good at routines that you can have trouble doing new routines. New routines are change and Classics often have trouble dealing with change.

They say that you need 90 days to form a habit but with Classics, we think it’s more like 30 days. This all boils down to the fact that unlike almost any other type, if you can get in the habit of doing something on a regular basis, it’s almost always yours for life. Routines are hard habits for you to kick. But the reverse is that once a good habit becomes routine then you are golden. This is where some personalities envy what they think of as your will power. And it is will power to some extent but it’s most often just that the routine feels better to you than changing it up. You like to anticipate and cemented routines allow you to anticipate events, feelings, etc.

Let’s say you want to give up your afternoon cup of coffee in exchange for herbal tea. At first, it’s going to feel like the modern equivalent of taking cod liver oil. But in a couple of weeks’ time, you’ll notice that your cup of herbal enjoyment is second nature and you couldn’t imagine switching back to coffee. Why? Your old coffee habit would seem like change now. It’s a subtle nuance, but it can make those first few weeks a little easier to get through, knowing that if you stick with something for just 3-4 weeks you’ll be on the road to success.

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