The fact is, once you start paying particular attention to specifically WHAT you’re putting in your body, the better you will start to eat in general. And there is room for cleanses in this world. Do they make sense for you? I think these work best for types who have positive willpower, stubborn tenacity, and steady blood sugar. So, maybe it’s not a personality type thing and more of a body type thing. 

That said I have done two different fasts in my lifetime. One was The Beverly Hills Diet, which involves an insane amount of pineapple. I ate so much pineapple that I developed canker sores. Yuck. I get heebie jeebies just thinking about it. But, on the bright side, I learned how to cut open a pineapple.

Another cleanse I tried, and rather successfully, was the F.X. Mayr cure. What I liked about this one is that it involved ONLY eating carbs. Yeah, put that in your pipe South Beach.  is old world and modified for our heavily processed wheat, society. But I developed a love of the spelt bread from The Vermont Company (the stuff from Whole Foods pales in comparison) and the soy milk that I washed it down with.

It’s meant to be a break for your intestines, so no solid protein, but lots of root vegetables, toast, soy milk. The instruction to slow down and really chew your food is really a good reminder to slow down and experience the act of eating. A good thing for all personalities to remember.

It also involves water enemas and epsom salts to keep things moving in the gut, but hey, take what you like and leave the rest. I certainly cheated with butter and graham crackers and milk, and I still lost 10 pounds. But I didn’t keep it off and there’s the rub with all cleanses … they’re a starting point and need to be repeated.

Best for Funs







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