Illustration by BreckWorks
Illustration by BreckWorks

Dear Katie & Kelly,

I’m a working mom with young children. Some days I love being at work doing my own thing. Others, I miss them terribly. Regardless, when I come home from work, I’m exhausted and it’s almost too much when I arrive home and relieve the nanny. I go from being swamped at the office to being swamped by dinner, baths, bedtime, arguments. It leaves me constantly stressed and I am often short with the kids. Then I feel guilty because I should relish my time with them. Any ideas?


Exhausted in Edgemont


Dear Exhausted,

No matter what your personality type, when you get home from work, most of us need to decompress, especially introverts. You’re not a bad mom, you’re human. Upon your return, carve out 15-20 minutes doing something alone that rejuvenates you — don’t relieve the nanny until you’re done. Make this part of your daily routine. Our introverted Smart Structure father would come home from work everyday, go into his study, have a drink and read for 20 minutes. Sometimes he’d even take a 20 minute nap and then we’d all have dinner together. Recharging your battery first will help you be your best self.

All our best,

Katie & Kelly

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