When I thought about “Cooking on an iPad,” I swear I saw the image to my left flash in front of my eyes. And then I went online to just, y’know SEE if I could find an image of it, and yeah there’s an app that will make it LOOK like you’re cooking, but yes, it’s just a joke — so far. In the meantime, you can use your iPad, computer, or smart phone to view recipes online and get rid of all those cookbooks you wish you would use but actually don’t.

We realize that this tip will annoy the same people who were annoyed by Monday’s, “Get Rid of Your Books” tip, but if the book is collecting dust more than it’s helping you make meals, then it’s time to get real. We actully wrote a week of good tips on all that is available recipe and meal-planningwise online: All in Good Taste, No More Take Out, Aviva La Scramble, Yeah, That’s the Meal Ticket! and The Curious Case of Planning Meals.

Another tool, and the game plan changing technology that will really help you get rid of those oil splattered cookbooks is a website call Eat Your Books. You tell them what cook books you own and then you can search their index for recipes so it’s kind of like a magical kitchen pixie that helps you find multiple recipes at the drop of a hat without having to go through your entire kitchen library to find that one recipe. And if you wanted to get rid of peripheral cookbooks, if it’s in their index then say sayonara!

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