Okay, don’t get me started about calorie counting. If you had told this Organic Freedom that this was going to be the easiest way I ever lost weight I would never have believed you. Types like me (Organic Freedom, Smart Freedom, Funs and to a lesser extent Organic Structure) like to do things in their own way, depending on how they feel.

We are not, by nature, regimented or good at keeping to schedule or routine like our Classic & Smart Structure brethren (they annoyingly make it look & seem so easy), but we can do things for a little while if we know there is an end (why fasts & cleanses might be good for us)

And I suspect that Funs might do okay with calorie counting because they revel in details and practicalities, but there’s another part of them that likes the EXPERIENCE of life and it’s just my gut, but I think they would do better to exercise, move, DO something because they are such hands on, reality based people. They would do better to start exercising first and then maybe try some calorie counting if they’re not doing as well as they would hope.

I would not have suggested that an Organic Freedom try calorie counting because it involves specifics and an attention to detail that becomes mind-numbing after the first time you have to look at that annoying graphic on the side of the box. BUT. In the Internet age, all these annoyances have gone away. There are now all of these calorie counting websites and phone apps that make it ridiculously EASY to track your caloric intake. I have been on this diet now for 10 days and I’m losing weight. This 10-day thing is a personal RECORD, except for the more simple 1 month carb fast. Plus I get to eat cookies and have only eaten a vegetable like three times.

So check out these sites. I have found that LiveStrong has the largest database of recorded foods. And it keeps the foods you enter all of the time at the front so you can easily grab them and input them… so it’s my fave, but some of the other ones have easier interfaces. The main thing with Funs, Organic Freedoms,  & Smart Freedoms is that any diet we take on needs to be flexible and one that we can easily individualize … I find calorie counting (and portion control) to be all those things … but this has the capacity to work for everyone as it’s basically (for me anyway) a simpler Weight Watchers, with no crazy new point system to learn.

Good for Everybody, but I’m so gung ho on this and in the infatuation stage, that I might have to revise this in a few weeks (I’m famous for loving something before hating and castigating it).


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