Just one word, plastic. Ever made brownies and wanted to eat them while they’re still warm or make them attractive for a party, only to cut into them and have everything stick to the knife? We’ve got your solution and it’s courtesy of Fred, one of our faithful subscribers, a Classic (Kelly’s husband and to Kate’s blog followers, her lousy judgmental brother-in-law). And while crumbly, non perfect brownies is probably something that only detail oriented Classics and Funs might obsess about … everyone can benefit from this ‘knowledge’ — and I use this term lightly because I realize that imperfect brownies is a First World Problem (a hilarious Facebook® page). The trick to perfect brownies is to use a plastic knife.

No, not some fancy special brownies plastic knife. ANY plastic knife. Even Organic and Smart Freedoms (and Smart Structures) will have a random plastic knife floating around in one of their many junk drawers (even if it’s from take-out). And Classics, Funs, Organic Structures all undoubtedly have a home for plastic cutlery.

I did some digging around and found out that Fred wasn’t the only one obsessed with perfect brownies. Today’s photo is from amysfinerthings.com, who has a whole bit on this topic. When I asked Fred (our household’s Chief Brownie Maker), where he got this tip, he couldn’t remember. When I pressed further about just how cool the brownies need to be before cutting (because when I make brownies, it’s almost always for IMMEDIATE gratification) he said, “I don’t know how long I let them sit. But, if you’re really desperate, just do small, small cuts.” As he spoke, he imitated a cutting action equivalent to what one looks like when playing the game Operation. It takes a steady hand … with a plastic knife.

Best for Classics and Funs, Good for All

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