Dear Katie & Kelly,

I’m headed to a wedding that’s taking place at a former kids sleep-away camp and guests are expected to stay there as well. My wife thinks this is going to be fantastic fun full of rustic charm but I don’t share her enthusiasm; rustic charm is a euphemism for worn out and dirty. I want to stay an hour away at the closest decent hotel but my wife is adamant that we need to stay at the camp. She’s an extroverted Classic Freedom and I’m a introverted Fun Structure. Any ideas on how to convince her?


Camped Out in Canton, Ohio


Dear Camped Out,

Pack that hand sanitizer because you’re never going to budge an extroverted Classic Freedom when it comes to protocol, manners, and socializing. Staying that far away signals to everyone JUST what you think of their camping accommodations. This is fine for a logical bloke like yourself but not something a more subjective Classic Freedom can swallow. So accept your fate and do what my fastidious Fun brother-in-law does when forced to stay in subpar accommodations … bring your own sheets and towels.

Enjoy the wedding??

Katie & Kelly

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