In Defense of Classic Freedom Types (ESFJ and ISFJ)

As ⅕ of the population, this type should be treasured by everyone else for their natural tendency toward tidy, efficient, and punctual but still warm, thoughtful and nurturing. They are widely thought of as ‘defenders.’ Classic Freedoms are wonderful people.

Distinguishing the Classic Freedom Types

Some Classic Freedoms are introverted, and some extroverted, like all other Pixie Types, and otherwise there are just a couple of variances:

ESFJs may tend to appear more directive leaders than ISFJs

Although both ISFJs and ESFJs have strong opinions, especially when it comes to their tasks, ESFJs are more likely to vocalize their thoughts and views. As such, they appear to be the more directive of the two types. Sometimes, their vocal nature can make others feel that the ESFJ is overbearing and bossy.

ISFJs, too, have the directive side as well, but they are more likely to reveal it only to those close to them. In a group of strangers or new friends, ISFJs prefer to keep their strongly held opinions to themselves.

So when others comment that someone is bossy and opinionated, the odds are that the person is more possibly an ESFJ than an ISFJ.

ESFJs tend to have wider social networks than ISFJs

ESFJs, being extroverted, are more inclined to be the popular ones in the school, workplace or the general community.

ESFJs, being extroverted, are more inclined to be the popular ones in the school, workplace or the general community. They are similar to ESFPs in their sensitivity and caring for others and therefore often are as much social butterflies as the ESFPs. They enjoy having a variety of friends and acquaintances, although they would admit that they feel they lack close friends at times.

ISFJs can display extroverted behaviors too but ONLY with people that they’re very comfortable with. ISFJs often just have a small group of close friends that they hang out with often; they do not enjoy the attention that comes with being popular and prefer to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. (Source).

Typical Jobs for Classic Freedoms

Those ESFJ’s as an overall category will be best as nurses, and the ISFJs as kindergarten teachers - both among the most honorable professions one can have.

Additionally, they have a diversity, according to CNBC, of their typical earnings and the types of careers that they will most likely succeed in. The introverted Classic Freedoms typically earn 85% of the extroverts’ earnings. Part of this is aligned with the type of job that each gravitates towards. Generally speaking, other than those famous figures that made their way into politics, the arts, and sports, ISFJs are in the helping fields. Those ESFJ’s as an overall category will be best as nurses, and the ISFJs as kindergarten teachers – both among the most honorable professions one can have.

For these reasons those Classic Freedoms who fall into the introvert category can feel more challenged. They tend to put other people before themselves and self-sacrifice too much. At work they may be too humble, allowing others to take all the credit and thriving on their own sense of personal achievement. This can cause them to be passed over for promotions and taken advantage of, but it makes them also fall into the category of one of the best types of friends and hardest working employees out there. Plus, all of these folks have incredibly strong and flexible personalities that help them adapt and persevere. (Source).

Those who are on the extrovert spectrum, on the other hand, are otherwise known as supporters. They share all of the supportive traits of the introverts, and self sacrifice. However, they seek approval from others, wanting to be liked. Sally Field, one of the most famous and gregarious Classic Freedom extroverts famously espoused, It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.” Those words sum up the life of these warm and giving people who make great family members and friends.

Famous Classic Freedoms

Clearly our world has been made better and filled with song, comedy, beauty and grace thanks to Classic Freedoms.

There are many famous Classic Freedoms who are introverts including:

  • Louisa May Alcott, the Novelist
  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the Poet
  • William Howard Taft, the American President
  • Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate Officer
  • Queen Mary I, the Queen of England
  • Barbara Bush, the American First Lady
  • Nancy Reagan, the American First Lady
  • Bess Truman, the American First Lady
  • Robin Roberts, the Newscaster
  • Kristi Yamaguchi, the Figure Skater
  • Mother Teresa, the Canonized Saint and Missionary Nun
  • Johnny Carson, the TV Show Host, Comedian
  • Jimmy Stewart, the Actor
  • Michael Caine, the Actor
  • J. P. Morgan, the Financier and Banker
  • Ed Bradley, the Journalist

There are also quite a few famous extroverted Classic Freedoms joining Fields that include:

  • William McKinley, the American President
  • Don Knotts, the Comedian
  • John Connally, the Politician
  • Sally Struthers, the Actress
  • Steve Spurrier, the Football Player
  • Phil Gramm, the U.S. Senator
  • Nancy Kerrigan, the Olympic Figure Skater
  • Elvis Stojko, the Canadian Figure Skater
  • Jack Benny, the Comedian, Actor
  • Desi Arnaz, the Actor, Comedian, and Musician
  • Terry Bradshaw, the Football Player
  • Mary Tyler Moore, the Actress, Comedian
  • Dixie Carter, the Actress
  • Reba McEntire, the Singer
  • Danny Glover, the Actor
  • Jennifer Aniston, the Actor

Clearly our world has been made better and filled with song, comedy, beauty and grace thanks to Classic Freedoms. If you are one you should celebrate, and if you know one you probably celebrate them already.

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