In Defense of Classic Structure Types (ESTJ and ISTJ)

Dear all other people,

We make up 20% of the world and we get stuff done without any drama, mess, or confusion!

Sincerely, Classic Structures

Seriously, though, dear Pixies, this is the first in a series in which we explore the best of what each of you has going because we want to celebrate the uniqueness that makes all of us special. And so, as you read this and learn to appreciate those Classic Structures, keep in mind that they will also read about you the same way.

What Are Classic Structures?

The Classic Structures are made up of two distinct subtypes of personality. Introverts and Extroverts.

The Classic Structures are made up of two distinct subtypes of personality. Introverts and Extroverts. The biggest difference between them is how much they naturally thrive on interacting with other people versus within their own self. Introverts gain energy from self contemplation and extroverts from social interactions. That said, all of them, whether their type starts with an I or an E, represent a world in which sensing, thinking, and judging are the cornerstones of what makes them human.

Any internet search of these types pulls up terms like ‘practical logic,’ ‘integrity,’ ‘loyalty,’ ‘tradition,’ ‘focused,’ ‘organized,’ and ‘hard working.’’ These are people that have an uncanny ability to take any task or job, break it down into what needs to be done, and find a way to accomplish it. When a Classic Structure says “I’ll do it,” then you better believe they have it handled.

This is a group of people who are going to make great supervisors. They take the lead, they create structure and organization, and they are really good at developing processes and procedures where perhaps there were none – or at least none that are effective. (Source). These are supremely hireable people and make up the backbone of much of the workforce. They are typically A-Type personalities and like social order, rules and structure. This makes them fantastic soldiers and comfortable in very hierarchical environments.

If there is something in disarray, or out of order, this is a group of people that is going to step right in and organize it. They like to know the rules and have routines and they are highly unlikely to break laws. In many ways these individuals do indeed make up the backbone of society.

 one out of every hundred women falls into the Classic Structure category and as a group they do not show emotion readily and are frequently described as having male-like characteristics.

Interestingly, however, most of them tend to be men. In fact less than one out of every hundred women falls into the Classic Structure category and as a group they do not show emotion readily and are frequently described as having male-like characteristics. That said, as a group these women tend toward being ground-breaking and effective in their leadership. Consider for a moment that Queen Elizabeth, England’s beloved matriarch is a Classic Structure, as is Sandra Day O’Connor.

Along those lines, JD Rockefeller, Harry Truman, Warren Buffett, George Washington, Colin Powell and Vince Lombardi, all fall into the group of Classic Structures. These are people that commit to the long-term in their relationships, their principles and their careers.

What Makes Classic Structures Tick

These folks succeed at Political Science, Computer Engineering and Public Relations, as well as Accounting, Finance and Business and Management.

Some time ago CNBC published a guide to the best careers and other financial indicators for each type. The ESTJs and ISTJs are both generally high earners with very low unemployment rates. Interestingly, they point to the career of Chef and Systems Administrators for these Classics. These folks succeed at Political Science, Computer Engineering and Public Relations, as well as Accounting, Finance and Business and Management. It is no wonder that they earn solid paychecks and are successful in their fields of study and careers with their devotion to their work. Steady and stable, these guys (and gals) are going to be equally as committed to their spouse as they are to their jobs.

Celebrating Classic Structures

So let’s truly celebrate this group of folks who pay attention to detail and take on some of the most complex jobs that make the world a better and more liveable place with confidence and intense focus. They are also honest and forthright and have the ability to focus on the long game, while getting the details put into place to get there. Really, let’s think this through: Need a bridge built – call in a Classic Structure. You own a restaurant and hope to get a 5-star review based on a phenomenal meal served up in a busy restaurant with the utmost of attention paid to detail and everything executed perfectly – call in a Classic Structure. There has been a natural disaster and you need a multi-pronged rescue and recovery mission followed by aid relief delivery and rebuilding – you guessed it, call in that Classic Structure. Need someone to be in charge of making sure that every year there is a family Thanksgiving get together – ask them to organize it. And if you want to surround yourself with the most loyal of friends make friends in this direction.

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