In Defense of Fun Structure Types (ESTP and ISTP)

These spontaneous, easy going, and yet supremely grounded folks live vivaciously and know how to engineer solutions to complex problems. They make up about 10% of the population. Despite sometimes rubbing people the wrong way (due to their inherent honesty and logical approach to life), these truly wonderful and enjoyable people are some of the most entertaining you could ever meet.

Fun Structure Introvert or Extrovert

Like all Pixie Types, the Fun Structures have extroverts and introverts, whose biggest difference rests with whether they are outgoing and enjoy people or get their satisfaction and affirmation in life from themselves. While there are plenty of other nuanced differences, according to, this is really the crux of it when comparing the two:

  • ISTPs’ energy levels tend to improve when they’re alone whereas ESTPs’ energy levels increase when they’re interacting with larger groups.
  • ISTPs’ often have a smaller, closer network of friends whereas ESTPs often have a wider network of friends.


 most are more well known for their mastery of their given profession and their perfectionist approach to their skill craft.

This is not to say that ISTPs cannot be engaging, charming and social. In fact there are some pretty famous ones who are well known to be exactly that, but most are more well known for their mastery of their given profession and their perfectionist approach to their skill craft. Some of the most well known and generally beloved ISTPs include:

  • Clint Eastwood, actor
  • Woody Allen, actor
  • James Dean, actor
  • Bruce Lee, actor
  • Bill Murray, actor
  • Humphrey Bogart, actor
  • David Blaine, illusionist
  • The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader
  • Vladimir Putin, Russian President
  • Miles Davis, musician
  • Frank Sinatra, musician
  • Willie Nelson, musician
  • Marshall Mathers (Eminem), musician
  • Snoop Dogg, musician
  • Sally Ride, astronaut
  • Sir Edmund Hillary, mountaineer
  • Amelia Earhart, pilot and explorer
  • Frida Kahlo, painter
  • Melania Trump, US First Lady
  • Shaquille O’Neal, athlete
  • Larry Bird, athlete
  • John McEnroe, athlete
  • Venus Williams, athlete


ESTPs on the other hand are restless and quick to move into action. They are adaptable, adjust on the fly, and make snap decisions.

ESTPs on the other hand are restless and quick to move into action. They are adaptable, adjust on the fly, and make snap decisions. They are still good at what they do, but they are less honed to concentrate on perfection and more likely “larger than life”. Famous Fun Structures that fall into this category include:

  • Jack Nicholson, actor
  • Meryl Streep, actor
  • Eddie Murphy, comedian and actor
  • John Wayne, actor
  • Michael J. Fox, actor and activist
  • Alfred Hitchcock, director
  • Harry Houdini, magician
  • Lucille Ball, actress
  • Antonio Banderas, actor
  • Donald Trump, US businessman and President
  • George W. Bush, US President
  • Winston Churchill, UK Prime Minister
  • George S. Patton, US General
  • Malcolm X, US activist
  • John Elway, athlete
  • Mike Tyson, athlete
  • Joe Montana, athlete
  • Glenn Beck, author and tv host
  • Dale Carnegie, author
  • Al Capone, gangster
  • Amy Winehouse, musician
  • Vanilla Ice, musician
  • Kenny Rogers, musician

Fun Structures in Life, Work and Relationships

Clearly the world is what it is today due to the influence of Fun Structures, whether the ESTP showmen or the ISTP innovators. Their inherent  boldness is sure to make an impact

Clearly the world is what it is today due to the influence of Fun Structures, whether the ESTP showmen or the ISTP innovators. Their inherent  boldness is sure to make an impact. Both personalities, famous well-paid people aside, fall into the lower part of the upper half of the average income scale with ISTP making on average 3% less than their more outgoing compatriots, according to CNBC. Classified into careers, a counselor might advise the extroverts to become an army officers and the introverts to become police officers. ESTPs tend to excel in school when they study broadcasting, criminology, and theater, whereas ISTP do great in marketing, economics and mathematics.

There are more men that are Fun Structures than women, which is interesting because aloofness is a trait often attributed to them by the people they meet according to When these two personality types meetup they tend to have a great relationship, whether as friends or romantically.

An extrovert and introvert may have some issues with one wanting the other to open up more, and one wanting the other to give them some time alone. However, they can also be good to balance each other out, allowing the extrovert to feel more comfortable introspecting, and the introvert has someone to encourage them to socialize and try new things more often… Two thinkers can make for a very informative relationship. Two thinkers can really discuss matters and learn new things. They enjoy logically understanding their environment… Two perceivers are likely to want to go with the flow with things. They may leave things open to the last moment and just take things as they come. This can lead to procrastination and lack of initiative to actually hang out. However, these relationships are typically low pressure and tend to have lower conflict levels. (Source).

Think about the US First Couple, Melania who is an ISTP and Donald who is an ESTP. Their public personalities fit cleanly into these stereotypes and by many accounts they have a fantastic relationship in true Fun Structure style.

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