Oh yeah baby, they do. As fastidious and tidy as they appear to be at parties and social gatherings — yes they’re often cleaning up your plate before you’re finished — when it comes to something they don’t want to do, then they can put if off for quite a long while. So unless they’ve got the home organization bug themselves, this usually means they have a scary room, closet or drawer, where all the disorganization goes to hide. 

Funs (SPs) are both practical and impulsive which don’t at first glance seem to go together. It makes for an interesting and lively combination which we have deemed as “Fun” because that’s who they always seem to be to us. And so while they are practical and detail oriented and throw the best parties, they don’t have the same drive as Classics (SPs) to get things done and crossed off their list. Because of this, if they don’t make a decision immediately — that sink’s gross I’m going to clean it, or this bill goes here — they can easily create a pile of mess that will quickly annoy them. While it’s easy to make the decision to do the dishes, dealing with a cluttered pile of postponed decisions is a bit more difficult and is the sign that they’ve either got to buckle down and got through it, or just hire someone to help them so the decisions are easier to make.

As long as Funs can see the practical and financial value in having someone into help them organize, then it’s going to be a beneficial arrangement for both sides. Funs are easily overwhelmed by big life changes as everyone is and if they don’t have a system big enough to handle the influx of change, they won’t be able to adapt and the hidden piles and Fibber McGee closets begin to accumulate junk. They would do well to hire an organizer — any organizer — who can set them up with a system that works for them, but since they are so adaptable, they really just need someone to help them get things done and create a system for making decisions that’s as easy as doing the dishes.


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