Do Smarts Ever Organize On Their Own?

We’re kind of kidding with this one. We suspect that Smarts (NTs) rarely hire organizers even though they are the type most likely to throw money at a problem, any problem, especially when they deem it beneath them. But they also have the whole VISION thing, which means that if something doesn’t live up to the vision that they may or may not have communicated, then they will be disappointed and resolve never to let an organizer anywhere near their papers again. The other problem is that Smarts are either well off enough to have had someone else always organizing for them, or they have developed their own system of precarious piles of paper that they are loathe for anyone to mess with.

But, yes, Smarts could and should hire an organizer, especially when you have a crazy mess created by the unforeseen in life. You just need to do some micro managing and better communicating of their vision. This should be easier for you than their Organic (NF) visionary counterparts, as you really don’t care too much whether someone likes you or not. You guys don’t have a problem telling people what you want, what you expect, and what annoys you, and we promise if you give an organizer your parameters, they’ll be able to help you get through your stuff much quicker.

We do think you might want to look a little harder for an organizer with unconventional systems. A Classic (SJ) home organizer who doesn’t understand that you don’t organize your books by author but by subject and visual recognition of the spines, and keeps insisting that you alphabetize…is going to be a problem. Also someone who thinks your active files should be in a file cabinet is not going to work well with you. Yes, you can have a file cabinet, but only for stuff that you don’t need on a daily or current basis. File cabinets are for deep storage only. So if they can see their way to accept the organizational systems you already have and just build upon them, then you’ve found the right one and you probably can let them have full reign after you realize and witness their competence!

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