Yes, you have too many spices.
Yes, you have too many spices.

Because I don’t. Not exactly. I know it’s like the last Thursday in November, I think? I need to go look at a calendar. I know I have booked a photographer to take family photos on Friday or Saturday, but beyond that? I’m Oscar to my sister’s Felix. Ernie to her Bert. She thinks ahead of the holidays is a good time to clean out your spices! It’s not even Halloween for goodness sakes. But, I do agree with her on this: Cleaning out your spices is a good idea for all the types, it’s just the WHEN that’s going to be different.

You heard me you lovely wild Organics. You. Have. Too. Many. Spices. In fact I don’t think there’s a house we’ve organized that didn’t have at least three identical vials of some favorite spice. Even the tidiest of Classics don’t have the wherewithal to make sure their spices stay neat, organized and unduplicated. Okay, maybe my sister does. But she’s a Classic Professional Organizer. She’s got a rep to maintain.

Classics, this is a good time to remember to purge your spices. It’s Fall, you’ve got holiday madness on the horizon with Halloween merely a week away? Yeah not sure again and it’s my birthday right after. Organic Structures and Smart Structures? It’s a good idea for you as you probably have way too many spices that you either don’t use, and unless you’re an avid cook, you need to dump half. They expire. Seriously. It’s not just something those spice companies make up. And Organic Freedoms, Smart Freeedoms and Funs? Do it whenever the spices are threatening to jump down on you every time you open the cabinet, but yeah you should probably make sure you have nutmeg and what’s that other spice you need for holiday stuff?

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