Do You Still Own An Empty Old Cassette Tape Case?

Seriously, who actually still owns an empty cassette case? I mean, MAYBE I have an empty CD case but cassette case?? There’s got to be an easier way that costs next to nothing to keep your earphones and cords from getting tangled. ALTHOUGH, I will grant Real Simple that if you had quite a few cassette tape cases then you could store lots of wires in a really contained, neat way. This would make Classics (SJ) really happy and probably a few Funs (SP). Those two types love having unique homes for things.

My other worry about this tip is that cassette cases are not exactly sturdy items. Remember how they crack super easily? So I just picture someone sitting on their purse, hearing a crunch and then there goes your earphone holder. Plus, sometimes the cassette cases fly open and then your earphones would go flying all about.

I decided to assuage my concerns by seeing what else was out there and found a pretty simple silicone solution on Amazon for $9.99. Now, as a professional organizer, I know I shouldn’t technically encourage acquiring new things but knotted earphones make life tougher and having a place to store earphones when not in use is handy.

Now, who this solution is least useful for is an Organic Freedom (NFP) or a Smart Freedom (NTP). I do think it’s most possible that either type might still have a cassette case lying around randomly. But I cannot see either one taking the time to wrap ear buds carefully into a cassette each time they use it. Most likely ditto for busy Smart Structures (NTJ). But, Organic Structures (NFJ), might be able to swing it. But, I’d say everyone is better off springing for a product actually designed for storing earphones.

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