I came across a blog called Habitually Chic featuring various dream closets of the glamorous — plus a little bit rich and famous. What struck me was how a few were nowhere near my idea of a dream closet. But that’s where personality type creeps into the picture. Today, I’m starting with a closet fit for a Fun.

As for why I think Funs would love (and maintain sans maid) this closet? One word — COLOR. Funs love color and have a knack for keeping things organized by such. In the first photo, you can see that the clothes and accessories are neatly separated by color. Now, Classics like color coordination equally as much but we’ve found that when they get busy, they don’t obsess as much over the color delineation as much as getting those clothes back up where they belong. So while color categories do remain, they tend to become a bit blurred. Smart Structures and Organic Structures also appreciate color delineation as it brings additional structure to their outer world — a trait they share with Classics. But, when in a hurry, these personality types, like their fellow “get it done type” Classics, are all prone to shoving a shirt back on the rod out of it’s place on the rainbow. Whereas Funs are more likely to take the time to keep the color in order because getting it done right is more important to them than getting it done!

The thing that would not work for Organics or Smarts in this closet is the folded sweaters on open shelving. Classics and Funs more easily maintain this type of folding set-up but we’ve found it’s often a challenge for all Organics and Smarts to keep it all neat when placed on open shelving as in the photo above. But, its still doable if the Smart has someone putting the folded tops back for them and doesn’t mind it, and if it’s important to the Organic to keep it looking neat. Otherwise big picture Organics and Smarts should consider hanging ALL clothes except for undergarments and swim suits.

Another item from this closet that screamed Fun was the jewelry — hidden away in drawers but distinctly separated by color. Funs and Classics both love to have their jewelry hidden away for the most part — Organics and Smarts tend have a few more things out and more visually accessible and so they won’t forget they own it. Classics are also more likely organize their jewelry by category and not color, especially since the jewelry isn’t out on display. 

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