How ENFP Personality Types Deal with Everyday Stresses

Life is a series of ups and downs. How you get through the downs is based on your personality. Here we will focus on how ENFPs (Pixie Type: Organic Freedoms) can deal with the everyday stresses that life throws our way.

All About ENFPs (Pixie Type: Organic Freedom)

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is a personality test that was developed in the 1940s by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs. These women based their personality typing methodology on famed psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. Jung believed we could analyze human behavior via the differences in how individuals used their powers of perception and judgment — in other words, how people experienced and made sense of the world around them. There are sixteen different types in the Myers Briggs model. These types are identified by different combinations of eight letters. Each letter indicates the way we interact with the world, process information, make decisions, and implement structure into our daily lives.


So you know that you’re an ENFP (Pixie Type: Organic Freedom) but what does that mean exactly? The letters ENFP stand for Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving. If you’re an ENFP chances are you are:

  • Energized by your interactions with others
  • More interested in concepts and ideas rather than details and facts
  • Make decisions based on feelings and values
  • Value spontaneity and flexibility over planning and organizing

Now that you know who you are, let’s discuss how you can deal with the difficulties life throws your way.


Even if you were organized before the big move, you’re going to have to pack up all your stuff into little boxes, deal with movers, unpack and organize everything all over again.

There are few harder or more stressful life experiences than moving. It involves a series of small, detailed, and big-picture moving parts. Even if you were organized before the big move, you’re going to have to pack up all your stuff into little boxes, deal with movers, unpack and organize everything all over again. Throw in emotions, new neighbors, new routine, and basically new everything else and it is easy to see why it is so stressful!

This is especially difficult for ENFPs because there are so many details involved. Hire someone to pack and unpack. If you’re short on cash ask friends and family to help. Offer money (or booze if you have to) and try to make it as painless as possible by interspersing some fun between the boring, manual labor.

Divorce or Breakups

Go easy on yourself, but do your best to concentrate on a better future, and before you know it, you’ll be living it.

Breaking up is hard to do, and a total emotional energy suck. It may also be a physical and financial suck as it could involve moving or custody battles. It often requires reconfiguring all the organizational systems of our lives. No shame and no blame here but we recommend a major purge. We don’t know what it is about purging every square inch of your life after a breakup, but it opens up new doors.

ENFPs have a penchant for living in the moment and taking things as they come. This will come in handy during a hard breakup. Go easy on yourself, but do your best to concentrate on a better future, and before you know it, you’ll be living it. Dreaming is what you do best- time to use it to your advantage!

Financial Difficulties

 Remember to focus most of your organizing energy on purging. You can even sell some things to make some extra cash!

Everyone stresses about money, especially when going through a hardship. Whether it be from losing your job, or unexpected medical expenses, it can make you feel like everything is spinning out of control. Because it takes up so much of your headspace, organization usually falls to the wayside during this time. Keeping your kitchen organized might be the last thing you want to do, let alone the home office and all the bills piling up. But unlike uncertain financial times, your home is a place that you can control and keep as orderly as possible. Know that it’s ok if things get a little disorganized. Some types need to get their house in order before they can get their finances in order. Remember to focus most of your organizing energy on purging. You can even sell some things to make some extra cash!

For the ENFP, it’s best to take each day as it comes when struggling with financial hardships. This too shall pass and when you have the energy or large chunks of time, take on the onerous task of details that so often accompany financial trouble and the actions needed to get out of it.

Change in the Weather (Seasons)

This one may seem minor in comparison to the other stuff, but it can be a major challenge for some! We’re talking holiday decorations, hat-and-glove storage in the summer versus bicycle helmets and knee pads and swimming goggles in the winter. If you live in a place where the weather changes, maintenance is just that much harder.

ENFPs, if you have the space for it, skip the seasonal change out. Odds are you’ll forget you had a box of sweaters stashed away somewhere.
As we said before, this too shall pass. No matter your personality type just remember that the best thing you can do when the going gets tough is to keep a level head and lean on your friends and family for support. Want to learn more about dealing with everyday life stresses? Buy our book on Amazon!

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