At first I was going to title this “Folding Sheets for Dummies” but then I remembered the entire world is not made up of Martha Stewart wannabe’s like myself who, after getting fed up with my messy linen closet, studied Martha’s technique on how to fold fitted sheets. It’s ingenious.

And the reason it is ingenious isn’t just that it makes it easy for everyone to fold fitted sheets, it also helps people make their beds — hence the Fit part of Fit & Fold. Daily Grommet always has a blurb from the inventors and that’s where I discovered this other feature. Basically, there are four colored snaps, two blue and two green, and you put them on each corner so that when it’s time to fold you just snap the corners together and voila your closet will make the Martha’s of this world green with envy.

Aha folks but that’s not all, each snap is also LABELED top right, bottom right, etc.— ding, ding ding — and therefore not only do you know where to snap for folding, when you put the sheet on the bed you know which corner goes where so that you’re not halfway through putting on the fitted sheet before you realize you have the wrong corners on the bed.

Cooper Hipp is the guy who invented it. That’s him in the photo and he looks contagiously happy to me. Probably because he invented a really cool product. Who wouldn’t be? This is perfect for Organics and Smarts and maybe a few Classics and Funs who are too busy to obsess over folding sheets correctly.






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