before-and-after-doorOkay maybe not evil, but they’re pretty close to useless, and if they don’t spark joy in you then why in the world would you want them? Yes I know they’re cheap, and perhaps can save a minimal amount of space, but there’s a reason for that. Folding doors are much easier to pinch kiddies hands in them, they come off their tracks in two seconds unless you’re living in a home that will never settle, and they do nothing, and we mean nothing to help you organize your home unless all you want to do is hide the mess. And um, if they’re always falling off the track, can they actually hide anything? Sliding doors are even worse because you can never see your whole closet at one glance, and they too have a habit of falling off their tracks.

But the number one reason we don’t like these kind of doors is they make it harder to quickly implement some of our principal keys to an organized, easy life. What’s that? First off,  if you’ve got a traditional hinged door, you can open it and usually see everything you own in one glance. Second they’re the perfect place for hooks which is the first organizational solution we suggest to anyone who struggles with stuff on the floor. And if shoes tend to be your Achilles heel, so to speak, the inside of the closet door is the perfect place to hang ’em.

So if you don’t have the cash for a real door, a you’re a thrifty and DIY savvy Fun, Organic Freedom or Smart Freedom, then go ahead and convert that terrible folding door into a French Door as pictured above.  For those get it done Classics, Smart Structures and Organic Structures, hanging some pretty curtains curtain hung on a tension rod is probably more effective at hiding your closet innards, and it might even spark some joy.

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