You are forewarned that about half of you will think today’s tip is a fantastic idea and the other half will eye roll. Remember the movie Clueless with Alicia Silverstone? If yes, then dig even deeper into your cranial cavities and try to remember that scene where she uses a computer that picks out her clothes. Well, it exists and almost for free if you’ve got 3 hours and a smartphone.

Sure, sure, there’s probably an app for today’s tip but you don’t need anything this fancy to have the modern equivalent of a wardrobe assistant. Seriously, one afternoon and a smartphone is all you need. Now if you don’t have one, then let me shame you by telling you that my 95 year old grandfather not only has a smartphone with a camera but he also has (and uses) an Up bracelet. As for the tip … take an afternoon, take everything out of your closet and create a photo album of outfits.

A few weeks ago, I spent three hours putting together entire outfits (including shoes, jewelry and handbag), laying them out on my bed and taking photos with my iPhone. In doing so, I came up with a million more permutations than I would ever picking something out at 7am or 6pm right before I have to run out the door, not to mention look 10x better. Frankly what I pick out at 10pm often is pretty lame too because I’m tired and just want to go to bed. I usually just pick a go to outfit that I know looks good even if I’ve worn it to death.

During my little wardrobe exercise, I experimented with colors and accessories in a way I never have patience or time for when getting dressed. After I was done with my photo session, I created an album within my iPhone Photo app and titled it “Outfits”. I can’t tell you the stress it saved me doing this advance prep. It also makes packing a breeze because I can more quickly see what pieces work well together to make different outfits and not have to pack a ton of stuff.

Here’s why this tip is only for Classics. It’s time consuming, (insanely) advanced planning to raid your closet and put together outfits. Funs, Smart Freedoms and Organic Freedoms* are better under the gun than Classics, Organic Structures and Smart Structures. The former might even pick out better outfits in a time crunched environment than some groan inducing advanced planning session. These are the same folks who probably rolled their eyes and stopped reading in the first paragraph. However, Classics in a time crunch getting dressed? Just like me, they’ll go the safe route; they’ll go for tried and true outfits, 9 times out of 10 in a time crunched environment. So if you want to wear more than 20% of your closet, pull it all out and make outfits with everything. If something doesn’t make the cut to your album then you know it’s shelf life is low.

* Note from Organic Freedom Katie…Once a month, when my middle daughter — she has the most clothes, from hand me downs, etc. — I go through all her clothes and create a month’s worth of outfits so that in the morning I don’t have to think and can just grab. So if I had the time for myself, or the inspiration, this might actually work for me too. Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms like doing things ALL AT ONCE which is why deadlines work for us. And frankly there might be a few Funs who might get into this as well if they were inspired as well. It’s the Organic Structures and Smart Structures who I fear are making the biggest eye rolls, right Mom?

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