When we go through people’s closets in the bid for better organization one of the worst fashion sins is usually a drawer full of unused and tattered exercise clothes. What’s wrong with this? Well who feels fit wearing a T-shirt that’s 5 sizes too big, or unflattering, or full of holes? Feeling frumpy only leads to acting frumpy, so if you actually want to give yourself true incentive to exercise then it’s time to buy work-out clothes that make you feel good about yourself before you get in shape.

So who’s more likely to have that useless drawer of work out gear? First of all, all types have different exercise challenges, and we heartily recommend The 8 Colors of Fitness if you want to find the best way for your personality type to get your butt in shape. We also have a lovely primer on the book in this PixieTip. We wager that the personality types who are most resistent to buying new work out clothes when they’re not working our regularly are the same ones who resist buying new underwear. And buying flattering exercise clothes is an inspirational, practical, and logical thing to do when wanting to make a change that sticks. In otherwords, it’s an action that will help all personality types motivated to get and stay fit.

Whether it’s the fact that you look better or the fact that those pants cost a whopping $80, we wager the gym won’t seem so daunting. With stores like Lululemon popping up more and more it’s easy to find all kinds of cute gear for anything from yoga to a run. And we’re particularly impressed with their Stuff Your Bra Tank that has 7 hidden pockets!

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