Today, we have Funs on our minds for our Fun Fact. High school sometimes felt like one big monotonous routine and I say this as Classic who revels in routine. Funs, Smart & Organic Freedoms bore of routine more easily than other types but Funs are more present tense focused than Smart & Organic Freedoms. They might not see the point of learning about a plant in Botany inside a fluorescent lit classroom — why not be outside exploring the real thing? Therefore, it’s not total surprising that Funs make up 60% of high school dropouts.

Hopefully our subscriber with a PhD in education is reading today and will develop a curriculum fascinating enough to keep those Funs in school! One answer that might fit the bill is Montessori High School … I’m not even a Fun and twenty minutes on their website made me jealous of those kids. Their field trip this fall? Mongolia. Dug up some dinosaur bones in the Gobi desert. Nuff said. (This ‘sentence’ written to irritate high school English teachers and grammar busy bodies worldwide … ahem, Classics that would be you and me.)

And lest you Funs out there feel defensive about your scholastic abilities. Trust me. Tons of you pull through with honors and most of you have natural street smarts that make you able to knock unexpected curve balls out of the park with regularity. Plus, even Indiana Jones (a Fun if I ever saw one) had a PhD … Dr. Jones?

Fun for Everyone.

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