The next organization personality type had me truly concerned that Better Homes and Garden had ripped off our proprietary research! Although they call this one the “Party Planner,” their solutions have a decidedly Fun (SP) bent with  “17 Ways to Make Organization Fun.” But while this comes close to describing our Pixie Funs, its substance is mostly off the mark.

Are you the first person to raise your hand in favor of getting together with friends but would rather leave the organization up to someone else? … Because you have an extensive list of other exciting things you’d rather be doing than, say, cleaning out your closet, staying focused on the task at hand is often challenging. Take control by taking a page from this collection of ideas (and download our free organizational checklist to keep you on track). When your storage solutions are fun to use and pretty to live with, you’ll be more likely to want to get organized and to stay that way.

Sure the PixieFun is often a collector who is easily sidetracked and loves the tactile pleasures of life, but BHG describes them only as extraverts who would rather let someone else do the organizing while they’re out doing something fun. This might be true of some extraverted Funs, but Funs are not ones to shy away from work if it needs to be done, and are loathe to spend money on something they can do themselves, but BHG’s suggestion to make organization FUN, is sound. It’s just that their checklist is rather boring and their suggestions for fun to use storage are pretty basic! 

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