Funs (SPs) may not be list making routine lovers like Classics, but Funs are practical and this comes in handy when sticking to resolutions. Resolutions are promises to yourself to start new routines. Starting a new routine is relatively easy for Funs because you love doing new things. The problem for you is if your resolution bores you or turns you off in any way. Funs are called so for a reason — it’s the key to your motivation and therefore the key to your success with resolutions.

This is not to say Funs can never be serious. We’re simply talking about what motivates you and enjoying an activity is motivation for you. So, when picking a resolution, be specific about the HOW behind achieving the resolution. Make sure you really enjoy doing the activity if you want to keep it up for the long term. Procrastination doesn’t set in for you unless there’s something about achieving the resolution that turns you off.  

Sure, this is true of almost any human being but it’s more heightened with you. Plus, while Classics are particularly adept at regularly taking the metaphorical equivalent of cod liver oil if it’s good for them and part of a routine, you might need a little more pizzazz to tempt you to regularly grin and bear it.

Let’s say you want to get in shape. Don’t just resolve to go to the gym if you find running on the treadmill or weightlifting boring. Instead, pick a regular activity that you love — be it yoga, rock climbing, tennis, pilates, swimming, or classes with great music. Whatever floats your boat and excites you — do that — and you’re more likely to hit the 90 day mark that so many state as the amount of time it takes for something to become routine.

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