When I threw my first Thanksgiving for 25 people, a Smart friend told me, “Cater!” And while that would be the logical thing to do, in my experience growing up, we cooked our own. And so I did (for 25 people!). My logical Smart husband was insistent on help because it was 25 people (and thereby a little illogical for me to do this ALL on my own) so we compromised and hired servers and china (Yay, no dishes!).

How you deal with Thanksgiving has a lot to do with how you’ve been raised (ie. do you have fond or scary memories of the holiday?) combined with how you make decisions, logically or subjectively (Thinking vs. Feeling) – yesterday’s posting. Organic, Fun Freedom, and Classic Freedom’s are subjective (F), Smarts, Fun Structure, and Classic Structure are those who can make logical decisions and often have an easier time freeing themselves from their upbringing, good or bad (Ts). So yes, these folks might do what makes the most sense when faced with a tidal wave of guests. Cater!

But, tradition pulls at each type in different ways, holiday traditions especially. Hence, our suggestion to figure out what is most important and easiest for you to do and then delegate all of the periphery tasks. Let’s say you’re a Fun who adores cooking. Make the turkey & food your domain and then have the Classic and Organics in your life collaborate on the table. Classics and Funs do best with detailed specific instructions whereas Organics and Smarts need a few guidelines and will then create their own beautiful vision. And these tips hold for kids. Kelly (a Classic) became queen of napkin folding over the years (and yes, she can do a bishop’s hat if you’re wondering.)

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