Stylist Lani Inlander guest writes this week’s PixieTips.

One of the best moments in my job is observing the look in a client’s eyes the first time they see themselves in Theory brand clothing. Whether it is a 2 piece suit, a pant or a dress, the reaction is always the same; somewhere between “my butt’s never looked so good” and “I’ve never felt so modern/on trend/new and exciting”.

The combination of style and fit is something most of us would never experience without Theory. Super petite or super tall, Theory fits one and all! The secret? A stretch wool fabric that is neither itchy nor constricting, hugs the right places and skims over the wrong ones.

Even more genius? Their Tailor fabric is produced every season so you can mix and match pieces purchased long ago. Want an updated jacket or a skirt option for the one from last season? No problem! Looking to build a modern but flexible, functional work wardrobe? This is your brand. 

Great for all types!

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