pixie drawing couple in woods

Dear Katie & Kelly,

When your boyfriend says or does something that’s annoying but innocuous. How do you know when to complain and when to shut-up?


Wondering in Witchita


Dear Wondering,

It depends. We know that’s a super annoying answer but it does. It depends on who you are and who your boyfriend is. Some Extroverts can’t help but immediately share their opinion and vice versa for Introverts. Although if it keeps happening, an Introvert will likely share their opinion as well. It also depends on how you make decisions about sharing information with others. There are those that tell it like it is consequences of what they say (and how they say it) be damned, there are those that sugar coat everything, and then there are those who decide to hold it inside for the sake of harmony but suffer quiet agony repeatedly doing so.

Our advice is to do what comes naturally to you and you’ll know you’re with the right person when your instinctive reactions don’t annoy the heck out of your boyfriend.

All our best,

Katie & Kelly

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