Keyless Entry
Keyless Entry

Dear Katie and Kelly,

My wife ALWAYS loses her keys and it drives me crazy. I’ve no idea what her personality type is, I guess whichever one loses their keys ALL of the time. Is there anything I can do?

Sincerely, Losing My Mind in Louisiana

Dear Losing Your Mind, As to whether there is anything you can do … no, not really. But, take a deep breath, we DO have a couple of tricks to reduce the frequency of lost key episodes. Just know that some personality types are not wired to put keys back in the same place every time, all of the time. Everybody misplaces things but repeat offenders are often Organic Freedoms (NFP) and Smart Freedoms (NTP). Since her habit threatens your sanity, we assume she’s one of these types and therefore you need a bowl for keys right where she drops her crap as she walks in the door because key hooks are one step too many for Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms. Your next steps are twofold. First, attach a tiny TrackR to her keys (works for smart phones too). Buy batteries to replace old ones in a year’s time — it’ll be your job to replace them because if she can’t find her keys, then she’s never going to replace a tiny battery. Second, one of my old classmates had a brilliant solution when his wife had the same predicament … a door lock with a keypad. DUH! Although I didn’t ask what his wife did when she lost her car keys. Maybe that’s why they moved to London from New Hampshire.

Wishing you Zen,

Katie and Kelly

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